Deb's Travels
G'day! left kho phangan after 4 great days of...
top moments in KPN.
-snorkling:just imagen 30 people in a longtale boat,crazy! It took us double the time it usually takes to get there but we made it,oh yes! Had lunch in Bottle Beach,played voleyball,Fantastic! Waterfalls,great day,very hot,had to use my nurse skills,(like if i have any)everybody got sunburns and cuts from the reef! oh well!
-Half moon party:lights,alcohol,people dancing,fake tatoos and more alcohol in the middle of the jungle! Awesome,what else can i say?
-drinks,food,skinny dipping,drinks: in that order and daily!
starts with beers then food (which is fantastic)as you know i dont eat sea food although I had prawns,calamari,and a whole red snapper,unbelieveble! and I liked it! More drinks which always lead us to the water! Next day after few beers,several rounds of tequila and couple buckets of thai whiskey...Worst hungover EVER!!!!! and the remedy for that is more beer (is a vicious circle) Have s*** loads of pictures but my mum would die if she sees them,so.......sorry!!!!!
Finally our last nite after 2 tequilas and several Singha beers,family support call and all that I decided to get a new tatoo,picutres available in "on the road" album.I'm so happy!!!!! 18 pax cheering and taking pictures in the tatoo shop,mad!!!! finally went to watch Thai boxing,liked it but once is enough,too much testosterone around!
we arrived in Penang today,really hot! walking around the city with pax in 1 hour!FUN! not really!
See ya!
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