hola atorranta te mando un abrazo y un beso enooooooorme y espero poder escuchar tu vos pronto, veo que esta todo en orden por tu vida y sequis siendo libre como cuando te conoci besos miles y segui asi
Anymore pictures Debs?let me know what are you up to!
Good Morning Vietnam
hola guapa! te extrano mucho! quatro dias mas... awesome!
hasta luega bonita
hola guapa!
what are you up to you chica internationale mysterioso? be great to catch up with you in bangkok, am waiting for a contract to start here. so loads of time off til then!
hasta luega xxx
Hola nena!! me alegro de que sigas bien,por aca todo fenomeno,los viejos preocupados con esto de mi viaje,Damian manda saludos,Jessica termina el secundario este año y quiere saber que vas a hacer de tu futuro,como veras todo igual,empezando el buen tiempo,bueno negrita te mandamos un besote enorme . La barra brava!!!!!!!
Hi babe!!!! hey hey hey!!!! awesome pictures babe!!! thanks for your email,chris here says hi and he's talking about going to visit you!!! we love the pictures,they're wicked!!!have a number? coz i changed mine so send me yours,how are you? So you have a guy?whats the name of the victim? So happy for you babe! We hope he's good enough for you!!!! send also his number we need to let him know where he's getting into...he he he!!! he also doesnt know you come with a package of like 20crazy friends!!!Poor bloke!!! Ok babe!!! we miss you so much here,take care and keep in touch.X
atorranta!!!!!!!, al fin me respondiste y si, vi las fotos, muy bueno lo que estas haciendo, se nota que estas bien por las caras de barney ( por la sonrisa permanente), y si tardas mucho en venir no importa, sabes que cuando vuelvas podes contar para una salida de verdad ( no como la frustrada de este año) un abrazo y seguire viendo las fotos, aaaah en estos dias te mando a tu mail, las fotos del auto que no pudiste ver, besos y cuidate.
Ciao bella!!!
You look absolutely amazing,molto molto bellissima!!!!!
Dont need to ask you how you are doing! Very nice pictures baby!
Still in London,working in a bar,probably moving to Italia for Christmas,if you are around would be nice to have you as a guest in my home!!!
please stay in touch,take care sweetie!!!
Love Andreas
hola bonita!
am back from el desierto con muchos camellos rojas!
desgraciademente, no dulcedeleche...
te amo con todo mis camellos rojas
muchos lagartos tambien,
Hi Sam!!! sorry but my phone is not working properly,got your message!!!happy for you,so you gonna talk in Spanish from now on?Hey thanks for yesterday and for the message after that!!!! i smiled till i fell asleep probably smiling in my dreams too and i woke up smiling,thanks sweetie!
Hola bonita!
I don't know my ano from my capo! I hope I can find out soon then I'll know whether I'm coming or going.
Just gotta round up these yaks and get my crappy CDS...
hasta cuanto antes
Hola mongol,what are you up to?I heard you dont know what ano means? sad!!!
Like you anyway,hey sexy beast when are you coming?