im glad u like the pics, theyre the best ones out of 12000 pictures weve taken so far! :) we had to buy a harddrive to store them all.
Debbies mum tells us theres some wierd virus goin round california at the moment, so were really lookin forward to that now :) itl either be full of zombies or in the sea . . great!
glad theres so many optimistic people reading the blog :)
hope ur all doin well, good to hear from u mate
speak soon
Andy Routledge
Hi Ben n Debbie,
Sorry ive not been on for awhile but i have been getting weekly updates from your dad at work.... i lost the link and have just got it back -
i'm glad youve made it through Vietnam dude... Pretty boyz like you fetch Top Dollar.
Well jealous of your trip the photos are spectacular.... i just hope the coast of california is still there when you get there - as my latest intel says that there are well over due a massive earthquakes 8-9 on rictherscale.... no pressure then.
Keep Smilin and enjoying yourselves
Andy Routledge
Hello all, Wattsie, the two places that stand out so far are Japan n Thailand, Japan is amazing with its scenery and just a real sense of bein far away from home but Thailand has loads to do which should be appearing on the blog soon, from what i hear though I think theres too many things to damage yourself on here like diving and rock climbing :) Malc, the food is every bit as good as it looks and cheap! Jack is really goin to enjoy Japan, we havn't heard a thing about Venus but sounds like you wouldnt have seen it anyway with the weather :) Cheers for the messages, sorry its took a while to reply!
Mal, Jo, Bethan And Jack
Hi Ben/Debbie, it looks like you are eating your way around the world, is the food as good as it looks in the pictures. Jack will be interested to hear about Japan as he is hoping to go there next year with the scouts for 3 weeks. Did you get chance to see the transit of Venus last week it was easier to see in the far east, as for the downpour you got caught in its just like it is here at the moment.
Still very jealous.... sounds like this really is a trip of a lifetime! But you are both going to come back fat! haha
So if i had to pick one spot.... where am i going so far?
Hello every1, hi james, everythin is goin well again now thanks, the eye infection was just a short delay in Hong Kong, nothing too bad. Half man half noodle is the bar :) and we'l see if the wish comes true once we hit Vegas!
Andy R if you read this I made it through Vietnam!! :)
Thanks for the messages every1.
James A
Great updates and pics guys. I heard about the eye infection scare from Steve. Hope all is good now. So then, what did you wish for with the water lanterns (or is that secret)? Sounds like Ben's might be successful.
What was half man / half noodle in Hanoi - the pub or the landlord?! It's giving me the spooks whatever.
Anyway, continue to enjoy - and stay safe,
Ciao for now, j
Paula Edwards
hi ben and debbie hope the tummys are getting better and debbies eye is ok? Have been looking at your photos very good pics ben.The bride on the bamboo raft looked very scarey.Take care enjoy missing your sarcastic little remarks in the office.we are watching you xxxxx
Hi everyone!!
Thanks for all you messages so far!! For some reason the website won't let us respond to them. Crappy!! Also we can't access facebook at the moment due to the Chinese putting a block on it, however we are using a proxy so that we can still see our facebook pages but can't update anything on it. So thank you as well for all my birthday messages!! Keep leaving messages, its good to hear from home:-) Lots of love, Debbie and Ben x x x
Happy birthday Debbie! X x
Shell J
Hi :)
Absolutely loving reading your blogs and browsing through your pictures. It sounds amazing. Take care & enjoy China :)
Hello!! iv noticed your going to china today?? Iv done some research and the chinese for hello is 'Heewwwoooo' also you have to shout it as they are hard of hearing or something! :) Enjoy!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx