Hi you two!
Can't believe your travelling the world! Only a bit jealous!!! The photos are amazing. It looks like your having lots of fun.
Stay safe!
Love, Nicola Matt and girls xxx
Hi debi and ben! looks like ur having an amazin time! pics are fab! making me very jelous I'm stuck in poorly :( :( see the weathers gettin better for u bet ur glad about that! Carry on puttin more pics up and stay safe! Lots of love mel and harry Xx
hey!! not really sure if I'm doing this right, but we'll see.... your pictures are brill!!! making me and rob very sad looking through them after a crap day at work! looks like having a great time! all you guys do is eat :-) you both look well anyway! stay safe! missing you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
alright... glad your having fun. Im just at work selling craft stuff... im not going to lie im a little bit upset i havent had a phone call or a post card!! enjoying reading your blogs! hopefully you will get bored of doing them and putting pictures on as i have work to do! Anyway stay save and look after ben for me debbie!! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Andy Routledge
Yo Ben and hi Debbie,
Your Dads finally sent me the link to your blog.... I am mega jealous looking at the photos Toyko looks exactly how id imagine it... really looking forward to the China photos though.... I hope your preparing yourself for Vietnam though mate, as im generally right about things, i'll let you tell Debbie what happening there....
Take care and its strange not seeing your miserable face everytime i look up at work now... (Lol)
Chez & Art
Hi Ben & Debbie, glad you made it safely to Japan. It all sounds incredible and what great luck you had with the little man and his van !! Pics are fab and thanks for the updates. Have fun and take care love Chez & Art xx
Hi guys,Just read your blogs what a great time you are having and your little friend that saved the day.You could do with him about all the time.Glad you didnt take a pic of the octopus balls ahhhhhh.pic of the lake beautifull take care both of you and get a new map xxxxxxxxx
Hi Ben, Hi Debbie....
So its off to a snowy start I see... sounds fantastic! Looking at the places you'r both planning on going, the trip in your little japanses friends van is probably going to be the safest car trip in the next year!
Have fun and look after yourselves.... I'm still incredibly jealous!
James A
Hello Ben and Debbie!
Congratulations - the journey is underway!
Jet lag is usually worse going east because it's generally harder to drop off to sleep 'earlier' than later.
So Japan really exists then? (My old geography teacher wasn't pulling my leg all these years?).
Thanks for all the photos and updates - you could be in Stockton Heath for all I know. But I hear that the Japanse are pretty savvy with electrical things - they should have internet access in the country soon.
Stay alive guys - and be careful what you eat. I'm on your case, bye for now, J
Paula Terry/ Edwards
Hi ben and debbie,hope you are feeling ok now,your dad was telling me about your jet lag.when are you starting to look about? You will have to take pics of the differant food as well,especially the weird stuff keep in touch we are watching you xx
Hi ben, hello debbie thinking of you both you must be so excited and nervouse today? Have a safe start to your journey stay calm and enjoy you very lucky people we will be watching you ha ha xx