So after coming back from Port Stevens we checked back into the YHA in Newcastle for 2 nights (most probably one of the best hostels we've stayed in in OZ)
The sun was shining so we spent the rest of the afternoon down Newcastle Beach, only a short walk from the hostel. The ocean was its usual lush bright blue colour and the waves were massive! There were lots of surfers and bodyboarders enjoying the surf! We took a boogie board down with us from the hostel and Daz had a little go, I prefered solid dry ground and just chilled in the sun on the beach!
For mid April, sunbathing in Oz is a bit like a good summers day back home! and over here we are well into autumn! The heat was there in places but sometimes the wind gave a little chill factor, but still it was lovely to just relax and make the most of the sunshine and the heat as come 10 days time we were going to faced with layers of clothing on the south island of NZ!
In the evening the hostel was holding a free bbq at a loca pub called The Brewery. Daz was hoping they'd do some nice home beers but unfortunately they didnt. Oz doesnt do many bitters, its all manly lagers and Daz is a bitter guy, so I think he's really looking forward to having a Brains Extra Cold! haha (from the horses mouth!)
So we joined the group of travellers and headed to the pub after dark (which is about 5.30pm these days now the clocks have gone back!) and with a couple of drink vouchers we got well into the swing of things. Sat on a table with some lads and got chatting! We did a quiz and after a little bit of cheating (i know its awful but when a free bar tab is up for grabs we just had to!) we won!!!!!!! so more drinks came our way!
Got chatting lots to two irish lads who are out here for a year and their trade is fixing aeroplanes so I wont go into the stories they told us and some they just didnt want to tell us!!!We rocked up back at the hostel after midnight (late night for us!) and enjoyed a comfortable matress in our dorm!
The next day (Fri17th April) we got up and caught the bus 20km south to a little place not to far from home.....Swansea NSW!!!!! The bus took forever as it diverted everywhere and nearly stopped at every stop! Very annoying but we eventually got there and arrived into a very picturesque little town surrounded by Lake Maquarie and the Pacific. We took a stroll on a beach at Swansea Heads first and had lunch and then admired the views from the cliff top. Apart from the ocean colour we could of been on Pennard Cliffs at home! It was really lovely.
We went into the town, not much there at all, just a strip of shops on one side of the road and we managed to find a big sign to have a photo with! Got to be done!
We were glad we visited it as it is a place obviously named after Swansea, UK. We even passed a sign post for Cardiff too on the way there, so New South Wales literally is what it is!!!!!!
We chilled back at the hostel for the rest of the afternoon, I had a really early night and Darren watched some rugby!
We've enjoyed seeing different places travelling down the east coast from Brisbane, everywhere has some different aspect but its been great.
Next stop.....back to Sydney on our last Greyhound bus tomorrow! Back to Sydney....whoop whoop!!!!
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