Our latest entry
Vancouver And B.c, British Columbia
Vancouver and BC (20th -28th June 2009)
So we had a safe journey into Canada and parted ways with Sarah and Chris for a few days. My friend Helen picked us up from King George sky train station and we headed to Langley, about 30 miles east of Vancouver.
It was lovely to catch up with Hel, who I last saw a 2 years ago when she came back to…
scott is this darren?? . . . ie) the big balls?
re: photo from 16 February 2009Scott and Seija Nice basket Daz!
re: vroom vroomSeija and Scott Don't forget the green cross code you GEEK!!! lol love you hel!!! x x x x
re: Cycling in Port DouglasSimon Windt Hey that' me! :) I look drunk.
re: photo from 30 January 2009