Jenny took us to Bristol to catch the 1 pound megabus. The driver was terrific, welsh and VERY friendly! Two students got on the same bus and between them and Kelvin (the driver) we were entertained all the way. Arrived at Heathrow and both of us had to have a full search at security! I think it was because Denise was looking very shifty at the time!! Plane flight was OK and seemed to go quickly although neither slept to well. Arrived at Bangkok and we were invaded by men wanting to take us in their cars to wherever we wanted to go but we resisted the temptation and went with the legal drivers! 24 hours after we left England we arrived at Pattaya. What a culteral shock! We had been expecting long golden beaches, palm trees and clear water lapping onto the sand - all of which we got but right on the edge of a city! Traffic is manic, sex is plentiful- not with us by the way! Very old men with young girls so we don't qualify!! People are very friendly and we are starting to get used to it. Today is Saturday and we are feeling more like ourselves so planning on exploring. Weather 30 degrees but we're coping OK. The plan is to have a few more days just chilling and then start travelling. Love to everyone
Sunday 18th Nov
We seem to be getting great drivers. We went on a trip to see tigers, elephants and crocodiles and our driver was very twinkly and funny. We couldn't understand a word he was saying but he would laugh so much ( a bit like the laughing policeman!) that we would as well. We ended up hysterical and my sides hurt so much from laughing, great theraphy.
He took us under his wng and told us to sit with the apes, bit scary as they wanted to cuddle and it didn't help when my ape decided to have a wee!!!! Great smell! Then he made me lie down for the elephant to walk over me - by this tme I was getting worried but all the tme he was laughing and clapping and acting like an overexcited 2 year old so I just let it happen but I surprised myself by being quite scared. Anyway pleased to say I survived! Tomorrow we are planning on going on up to Bangkok and then towards the North. The AA hotel where we stayed in Pattaya was excellent value and very well situated so we hope to be as lucky with our next accommadation.
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