Arrived in late last night Friday & was gobsmacked by the 1000's of people there to greet me at the exie of the airport never seen anything like it, obviously, they weren't there for me but no idea why so many people were waiting outside! I got my taxi & was taken to my 'Hotel' still amzing I got there as I have never encountered soo many mopeds on the road & the constant use of the horn.
Got to my 'hotel' & checked into my dorm its an 8 bed with 1 toilet to be shared & the shower in the toilet, oh & the sink just runs to the floor! Result David, though what do you expect for $5 US! Anyway, met an English who completly freaked me out with her horror stories or her travels so wasn't a great nights sleep along with the geckos who were running around the walls!
Got up around 12 had a shower & felt prison was a better bet but you get what you pay for! Met the the English girl & her friend from last night & tagged along with them for the day & tried to navigate our way around the City & trying to cross the roads with no sense of law there seems! Got back to my hole & decided the only thing for it was to drink!
Had a few beers & some food whilst watching the Man U Man City game which was good then wenback to the hostel & asked the receptionist if he knew of any good bars, he took me on his moped which was pretty dam scary wizzing in & out of traffic but got the bar which was in fact a club & I was there is a vest top & shorts whilst everyone else was wearing really nice clothing, girls in attractive tops & dresses & the guys in suits, not sure whether it was because I was one of the only Westeners there or I was dressed like a tramp but had lots of people looking at me, I thought better of it actually speaking to any of the women as thought I could get lynched at any moment but they did look stunning which I hadn't noticed walking around, had a few drinks & got home!
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