Hi everyone,
Well what a nightmare we had today. We got picked up at Moololaba today ready to go to Rainbow beach which is about 3.5 hours away. We got dropped off at Noosa approx 2.5 hours away from Rainbow beach because someone booked our bus wrong and could only get back on the bus if 2 people didn't show up which of course they did. We got dropped off at 11am and told the next bus with a different company wasn't until 1pm which they would pay for. Guess what, the 1pm bus was full for GBP15 for the 2 of us. They booked us on the 4.30pm bus so we thought blow this because we're going to miss our induction for Fraser Island and then have to wait another day when our mates are going tomorrow. This person who booked our trip wrong totally cocked it up for us. We were going to hitch hike when another company bus turned up and we saw if we could get on it which we could because there were seats spare - our company lied to us beacuse the 1pm bus was more expensive (double the price). We finally arrived where we should have done just in time for the briefing and only to be told there were actually 2 spare seats after all on the bus and we paid extra to get here on time. Obviously we are totally miffed (to be polite) and are writing a strong letter of complaint. Anyway, we got here in the end. Got to know our car of 11 people, went shopping ready for our camping trip for the next few days on Fraser Island. Will report more when we get back. xxxx
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