We are in a city called Dunedin which is on the very south east of the south island of NZ and absalutely loving NZ although we've had really s*** weather as it hasn't stopped pissing it down all day for the last 2 days but we went through some awesome deep snow the other day which was amazing. Everything suddenly turned very white and had to put sunglasses on because it was so white. At one point we couldn't even see the road but carried on driving instead of stopping for a snowball fight this time because we were in the middle of nowhere and all the weather warnings had told us we needed snow tracks - but of course we never listen to them!! Living like a hippy is also really cool in our campervan. Today we visited the museums and to Cadburys world where we got loads of free chocolate - yummy!! We're heading up north on the east coast tomorrow towards lots of lakes. We only have 1 week left in NZ now so not long before we go to USA. The scenery in NZ is beautiful and we will be sad to leave.
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