So it was off from Livingstone back to Botswana.
I have to say that the Angel pool at the top of Victoria Falls is a must - absolutely brilliant. Jumping 10 ft into a pool at the edge of the world’s largest falls. Crazy hey :-)
Anyhow the trip to Elephant Sands came with a new group - all quite nice. Another game drive was actually into the wild bush where no tourists go. As the name suggests there were lots of Elephants and lots of sand.
Megan has developed a slight fear of elephants from the proximity we have been getting and the amount of warnings they give.
Sorry but its not complaining it was 43 degrees today and yesterday was 41 degrees!
The camp we stayed at was pretty nice - salt water pool and showers and also a waterhole that is not enclosed. Meaning that the elephants actually walk through the camp to get there water.
Dinner was Impala and although nice we all agreed it was not our favourite meat of the trip.
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