Hi few,
Welcome once more to my life. As you should mostly all know by now I have finally moved out of Auckland. 6 months working 2 jobs (1 as tech support an 1 as housekeeping, neither enjoyable by the end) funds are somewhat restored and on the move again.
We started with a trip up north to 90 mile beach which, though is a nice beach, it is just a beach. Then down to bay of islands. This looked very nice but didn't have time or money to rent a boat to see it in full, plus, I am once again let down by disappointing fish and chips.
Anyhu, after this we dropped down to Waitomoto cave. Essentially massive underground caves with glowworms on the ceeling and a s*** load of water inside. We want on a black water rafting tour which was awesome, but despite the wetsuits, it was still winter and water was freezing. All good though.
We also found at this point that the locking mechanism on our sliding door on one side of the van had fallen off and fell into the door. The effect being whenever we accelerated the side door would just slide back and be fully open, not ideal. After a trip to the mechanic and Paul clutching at the door from the front as we drove along all was resolved though. My praise goes out to that small bumpkin village in the middle of nowhere, they did us proud.
Since we were now a bit behind we decided to skip our afternoon activity and head back up North. Hot water beach awaited. This is an interesting one, for anyone who doesn't know,there is a hot spring under the beach itself and at low tide you dig a hole in the sand, let some sea water in to cool it down, and let the spring fill the rest from below, and sit in your own spa bath on the beach. That's the theory. We had a few minor flaws in our attempt. Firstly, low tide on our date occured at either 4.19am or 4.19 pm. We got there the night before and there is nothing to do in that area really except the beach, so decided to go the for am. So at 3.30am, we headed to the beach, in complete darkness. After quickly locating the area the springs are, realising not a single other person was there and that the air was winter and therefore cold, we went straight for it. The next flaw in our plan naturally was the realisating we had no tools etc. This meany digging with our hands and doing a piss-poor job. Essentially ending up with 2 hot puddles rather than pools. Also, with no bucket or container, we couldn't get seawater in so were slightly boiling with just the occasional wave making its way far enough to help. All in all a laugh and did experience hot water beach, just could have been executed better.
Since we were done with this a little earlier than expected due to the difficulties incurred we checked out nearby things and went too go watch the sunrise at catherderal cove, apparently something in the narnia series was filmed here. Very pictueresque and worth the look.
Now, a big one, we went to Hobbiton. Sadly, all filming here has since completed so didn't meet anyone famous, but was funny too see aall the same. all the doors are there dug into the mountain, including bag end, although none actually have insides, that's apparently just done in a studio in wellington. Still, was a good laugh and good to see.
I am now residing in Rotarua, thermal hotspot and slightly questionable stability. I would be cautious about investing long term in this area given the amount of active volcanoes around here. Plus the whole place smells of sulpher (not a nice scent). We have done some bits here but will add that into the next blog.
Until then take comfort in the fact I am no longer working, no more 100 hour weeks etc, and life is fun once more.
And till next time, much lave allall
- comments
ruth ennals hi, lovely long lot of news...thank you and glad to have you back enjoying life again.Hot water beach sounded interesting and glad not to hear any reports of severe scaldings which I believe can happen in these circs!Black water rafting sounds very weird but exciting as guess its hard to see what whirlpools are ahead of you.All fine day summer and the next winter. What next for you? Enjoy that sulphur smell! Lots of love Ruthxx
Dad Can you find out what the small bumpkin village was? great news, interesting and so pleased it is back to fun again