Well the last few days have been pretty cool, we finally have something to write about. we landed on Saturday and were well and truly knackered! it's amazing how tired sitting on a plane for 20 hours can make you! Our first night we just crashed and went to bed around 6 after enjoying a few Aussie pints and a Nandos. We were out for a good 14 hours an didn't get up till about 10 the next day!
Sunday was a cool day, I signed up for inter-hostel footy but Gaz couldn't be bothered. We ended up walking to Albert Park, about 2 miles away. We played in an indoor complex above the pit lanes of the Melbourne Grand Prix!! It was pretty awesome, though we did lose 9-7 :( At the footy we got talking to a couple of the lads and after the footy we went for a few pints, then a burger, then off to a bar in the center of Melbourne on the River Yarra. It was amazing to see the city lit up at night especially on the river. We drank the most expensive pints ever! £5 a pint!! though we did get 2 for 1 pints at the end and we were all sat at our table with 4 pints each lol. Thats when Brian Adams, Summer of 69 came on and the urge to dance was too much to resist. We ripped up that dance floor all night till everyone was kicked out at 1 in the morning! Can't believe it only took us 2 days to get our drink on!
After recovering from the night before we decided to go for a wander. The two of us walked into the city centre. It took us about 45 minutes to get there!! we had a look around the war memorial where Gaz managed to find someone breast feeding in one of the engravings. We walked through Melbourne park which is an amazing place. It's so picturesque. Had a look at the music bowl, which is a place where bands play to people in the park and I managed to get a stone man to balance on my hand. After that we managed to find the tennis centre, which is massive! There are about 4 or 5 courts there and there all the size of a football stadium! Fleetwood Mac are playing there in February!! Though not in the tennis. Might have to go and see them lol. Also the tennis is on in January so we might have to go just to hear Sharapova. After all that walking we were pretty goosed so we went to find something to eat. We went back to the River Yarra and sat down in one of the cafe's. We looked at the menu and saw... KANGAROO!! It's beautiful! they cook it a bit rare and it kind of tastes like... err... a cross between duck and beef. On the way back we had a look round Melbourne gallery where we saw some pretty cool art and some rubbish art. There was one piece that was just a white canvas and nothing else. Pointless.
When we got back we bumped into Jordan an Gezza (the two lads we met at footy) and went down to the beach for a few hours. We were a bit hungry by this point and so decided to get something to eat. Shark and chips was the meal of choice. It was awesome, Loads batter than fish and chips we get back at home (you see what i did there!!!). It wasn't greasy at all and the chips actualy tasted like they were potatoes at some point in there lives. We went back to the beach at this point and decided to play a game of catch with a tennis ball. Youre never bored with a tennisser! we started getting a bit excited and diving around all over the show. I made some catches that the England cricket team would have been proud of (though that isnt much to brag about). Thats when I managed to land on a concrete grid in the middle of the beach! Only I could find the only grid on a beach thats god knows how many miles long. Needless to say, it hurt. A lot. I was quite lucky not to break my arm really. we stayed on there all evening, watched the sunset and then went to St Kilda Pier to have a look at some penguins. They nest in between the rocks there. it was really dark, there was no flash photography allowed and I had forgot my camera anyway so no pictures were taken. though we more than made up for that at the zoo... After all that we were bushed. We went back to the hostel met some swedes and played the most racist card game I've ever heard of "The president and the ******" lol. I'm not gonna explain the rules but it involves being called a ****** if you lose.
Tuesday was another beautiful day so we decided to go to Melbourne Zoo! We got the tram from outside the hostel and caught another one from the city straight to the zoo entrance! Needless to say i was giddy! i just love the zoo! Well what can i say, it was awesome! we saw everything from pigme hippos to giant tortoises it was brillaint! we took well over 300 pics i reckon, some of which are rather random and pointless! im sure you will be able to spot these ones in the photos we uploaded! i reckon we walked around the zoo for a good 4-5 hours we even had to rush a little towards the end as there was just so much to see! Funny story, we walked around the corner and there was a fake plastic croc on the grass, for a split second dave thought it was real and jumped out of his skin, it was hilarious! what a plonker! anyway dave had to wrestle it as it tried eating me! damn crocodiles!!!!!! Dave also attempted to climb a bamboo shoot, in doin so he ripped his shorts but we didnt realise till we got back to the hostel so for the journey home dave walked around with his arse hangin out the back of his shorts! genius!!
After the zoo and back at the hostel we caught up with Gezza and Jordan we decided a drink was in order and bought 2 five litre boxes of goon which is like the scraps that are left in the bottom of a barrell of wine! cheap and cheerfull, we ended up wasted after a few hours of drinkin games! Dave managed to start an (Editors note: Funny argument!) argument with these scottish birds, at one point i thought he was going to get slapped! Fancy tellin the Scottish that William Wallace is over rated and very exagerated! haha! only dave! Have to admit it was funny! Loved it!!!
We awoke this morning with the most awful hangover! Damn those Goons!!!! we have done next to nothin all day apart from eat ice cream and nailed a free barbie at the hostel down the road! cant say no to a free meal when you are a travel bum! We are off out again shortly to watch a live band down the road! we said we were gonna take it easy but im sure the smell of wine and cheap perfume around us will turn it into a messy one! the plan is to have a few beers, watch the band and then head back to the hostel to catch the United game! i cannot see that happening though!!
i will leave it at that for now!
take care all!!!
Gaz and Dave
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