Back to Welsh's Restaurant for another hearty breakfast. Today we spotted a sign that amused us: "Unattended children will be given an espresso and a free puppy" - sounds a great idea and we thought perhaps we could claim four free puppies as our children are technically unattended by us! Then it was back on the road to North Woodstock where we were to meet up with our new swap hosts, Ken and Carol, for lunch at Cascade Coffeehouse.
We had plenty of time to make this journey so stopped now and then to admire the views and take the odd photo of the changing foliage. We do like to meet the folk we're swapping with - and in this case be introduced to their friends, Jody, the cafe owner, and Donna, John and Ros who it seems we'll meet any day that we return to this cafe! Ken and Carol were flying off to the UK that afternoon so didn't have time to linger so with a slew of instructions about the log cabin ringing in our ears we set off for the short drive to Thornton.
We probably spent twice as long looking for the correct unmade road in Thornton as we did driving there - the road name we needed wasn't visible from our direction of travel and it was only after we'd traversed the entire length of the private roads that we found the one we were looking for and the cabin.
Oh well, we got here at last! The cabin turned out to be rustic (read unsullied by any modern technology such as a mobile phone signal or an Internet connection) and charming but very chilly! But we turned the thermostats up and headed out with our shopping list to Lincoln where we'd been told we'd find a supermarket. Today clearly was to be our day of misdirection as we missed a small turning that would take us into Lincoln and the promised supermarket and ended up driving significantly further than necessary. But shopping was completed successfully and we returned the cabin to log fire lighting and tea cooking.
The cabin did then warm up and we had a cosy evening watching one of the DVDs here (yep not entirely without modern technology). Jill enjoyed "Julie and Julia" but Dave wasn't impressed by what he felt was Meryl Streep's 'hammy' interpretation of Julia Child. It is true that it was as if she was playing the character as though a character in drag but Jill thinks this was an accurate representation of the real-life Julia Child.
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