Sorry Its been a while folks! Better late than never hey. So our time in Manly is nearing the end. Our total 7 months here have been awesome and Manly has well and truely become our home and if immigration wernt so strict i think we would be staying. Summer here was amazing, having the beach so close was bliss on afternoons and days off. Coming into winter Manly still had a lot to offer with the big Whale watching season coming in and Dave's kayak centre running all the local tours, which meant we got cheap deals which we cant complain about. We also got PADI dive certified so we can dive on the Great Barrier Reef and as we head up the coast. The temperature was extremely different to summer however as winters go still walking around with shorts and flips flops on some days wasnt bad!
So its time to move on, it will be sad saying goodbye to the good friends we have made here and our flat but the time has come to move into our van to head up the East coast. Its exciting to start the proper adventure. The general plan is to do a loop of the whole country. Up to Cairns, round to Darwin, over to Broom, Down to Perth, along to Adelaide and finish of in Melbourne. We have to be out of Oz mid November. We will be heading over to New Zealand, where Dave and I both have jobs in an adventure park called Waimarino, you can check it out at Its in the West of the North island, SW of Auckland, so we are very much looking forward to that. But before that we have a lot to do, a lot to see and A LOT of driving, poor Dave i hope he knows I like to fall asleep during long driving trips! ;-)
Oh the picture is you are wondering is taken from North Head which makes up one part of the sydney harbour entrance, it is about a 10 minute walk from the flat and has been the site for us to watch many sunsets during our stay
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