The day dawned sunny and relaxed, we'd planned our last day in Australia and was looking forward to leisurely packing, eating out and chatting.
And then Dave went online to check there wasn't any flight changes etc and we then found that we'd missed our flight..... Eeeek! A cold sick feeling (Shirl) and 'oh s..t' (Dave)and disbelief that we could have mistken 02.30am on March 10th for 02.30am on M
After a quick relaxtion exercise (joking!) we 're-grouped and began an online and telephone search for a way to get to Fiji without losing too much time - bearing in mind it was all paid for.
Thankfully after ages on the phone we managed to book new flight with Quantas (at extra cost) and the whole day's arrangements were changed.
We had a delicious farewell lunch with Maggie on the pier at Geelong and were ver, sorry that we wouldn't get to say bye to Steve as we'd planned. So we left late afternoon for an evening flight from Melbourne to Brisbane and onward night flight to Nadi.
At Brisbane we called Sarah to sing Happy Birthday (24, where DID those wonderful years go?) and to call Shirl's Mum and Dad to see how he was getting on.
And so a sad and fond farewell to all our lovely family and friends in Australia, we so loved being with you, will miss you one and all ; here's to our next visit!
- comments
Maggie Hmmm, as I recall, the living room music was turned off suddenly, I entered the room wanting to laugh cos I had feeling what might have happened when I heard you declare that you were feeling a little nauseas!!! 3 phones were being used as I felt guilty for inappropriate laughter. Quantas took ages to answer. Emotions were high. However you STILL managed to get a flight damn it. It was funny ( sort of, a good story to dine out on) xx
Dave and Shirley Yes that's pretty good recall Maggie lol....and as Tash said on FB - we must have caught the 'missed flight bug' vicariously from you and Steve?! Touché lol! And damn it - there was a flight :-( See you in June, big hugs xx
Arlette and John Hi Shirley and David It is only today that I discovered you did write on your Blog. I checked a few times after you left Sydney but could not find anything after NZ. I decided that you did not have a minute to scratch your nose so I gave up looking till today. It was good because I also got your story on Fiji !!! A good one missing your plane!....but i do not know why I am laughing!... every plane caught is a miracle in the Welch family!! Keep having a good time! Lots of xoxoxoxo