Woke up early when it was pissing it down to go rafting. After walking down the gorge we set off in our raft. Was rate fun and got chucked everywhere. During the biggest rapids I got thrown about 5 m from the raft into a huge wave. Rate hard to breathe. Managed to swim back to the boat and Liam dragged me in. At the end we had a rate hard walk to the top of the gorge and a nice BBQ for lunch. Travelled back and cleaned everything on the truck. Time for a booze cruise. The bus which took us there consisted of 6 louts and everyone else was over 50. Once on the boat we started our drink every 8 minutes policy to get our money's worth. Saw some crocs and hippos and herens but wasn't really watching them. After 12 double whiskey cokes we got a transfer back to camp and gave everyone on board a rendition of a few Beatles songs. Got back to camp and apparently had some chips but can't remember. Went for a drink at the bar and then off to shoestrings backpackers for some more bevs. Don't know what happened really but had a rate time. Saw the guy from antelope park and told him he was just a salesman, he wasn't too happy. Apparently walked back in a group. No idea. If carlsberg did days......
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