Tanzania, Tanzania Feb 14, 2014 Early start at 4 for an all day drive through tanzania. Played cards and minced all day. Had some nice snap and brownies in the evening.
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Feb 13, 2014 Walked around stone town in the morning feeling rate worse for wear. Then got a ferry back to Dar in the afternoon, thought I was going to bes sick. Then met Alex and Charlotte, 2 new people who joined our group. Had some snap and went to bed.
Zanzibar, Tanzania Feb 12, 2014 Woke up a bit worse for wear and spent therapy chilling on the beach. Got a taxi back to stone town in the afternoon and went to the night market for snap then mercurys for a few bevs. After failing to find another bar we ended up going back to the shady nightclub called the rock we were at before. Ended up just being me and Liam drinking again and we ordered some conyagi which came in a sachet. Rate weird. 100 ml (4 shots) for about 1 pound. After playing pool a...
Zanzibar, Tanzania Feb 11, 2014 Got up and chilled on the beach in the morning. Went for lunch. Went out snorkelling and fora booze cruise in the afternoon. Was rate nice suppin bevs in a boat. Liam managed to lose his snorkel the tit. Met dani and gabby (some Australians) and drank the boat dry. Went to a hostel for a few drinks in the evening then to a bar on the beach. Me and Liam were pool champions against some rate sore losers. Supped into the early hours.
Zanzibar, Tanzania Feb 10, 2014 Set off too the beach for a few nights and were meant to snorkel in the afternoon but a massive storm prevented us. Met a couple of lads from me first hostel on moshi which was a rate coincidence. Went on the beach after it stopped then to a posh restaurant and for a beer with another overland group before bed.