G'Day - Again this picture isn't mine. I have no idea who they are but I believe they are weaving baskets.
This is my first blog entry from New Zeland but isn't actually about NZ. I just wanted to write one more entry on The Top End which was awesome by the way. Kakadu National Park is such a cool place with so many nearby natural fresh water pools. Some of them were closed mind you because of either to much water!?! or the potential risk of a croc attack. I have uploaded some of the pics from the water pools so check them out. Speaking of crocs, we also went to a Jumping Crocodile Cruise - just for the record in case anyone would think this we don't actually jump on the crocs they jump up out of the water and grab the piece of meat that has been strategically placed above them. It was great to see and hopefully I'll be able to upload a video once I've figures out what application I need to install to get it to work.Also have to mention Ubirr Rock and the aboriginal rock paintings. How awesome was that afternoon. It was a great feeling be around such a spiritual place and also cool to see certain places where Crocodile Dundee was filmed.
I just can't belive that Oz is over already. I had an absolutely amazing time there and made some lifelong friends for sure. Really can't wait for the Edinburgh festival :-)Team Scotland. Missing Zoe Bindit already!! We really couldn't have asked for better weater. If memory serves me correct (I was asleep a bit on the bus) it only really rained once (oh and that cylone thing that knocked Fraser Island on the head) so we were really lucky in that respect.
The highlights for me would have to be The Whitsundays, The Great Barrier Reef and Uluru. Maybe obvious choices but they were really me!!
Oz is a great place. Unless I climatised I couldn't see myself living there because of the extremely hot weater espeicially in the north territory but the work hard play haarder attitude is a great one to have.
I'm taking away some lifelong memories from Oz and am really looking forward to NZ. The view from place was awesome!
Take Care
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