hey Dan, try and make it out to Reno it really is the capital of sex and sin. Well worth visiting
Awsome reports Dan, really love reading them !
Great report Dan, Take good care and take it easy until you have recovered properly.
Auld Fella
whats all this about a horse breaking you in, try it the other way around. anyway hope you are ok and take it easy have a few beers maybe get some spare ribs you knew that was coming. stay cool and try not to laugh to much.bye
Great pictures, and good to read you´re having such a goooood time !
Keep up the good work
Hey Dan, just been catching up with your pics. Looks amazing, although disappointed some young vandal saw fit to graffiti those lovely caves. So which one is she?
Just had your bro here with Scott, working out a coupla choons for a P'boro gig in May.
Pictures are amazing you look good,crocs look great and so they should with a fine set of gnashers just big enough for natasha, oh dear i am awful .
Honestly Dan, what sort of dork would think you were actually stepping over the crocs? What do you take us for?
Hello to Karen W from me, if she remembers me
Croc on, Dan.
Hi Rach, right before that picture was taken I was actually doing a hand stand on the board....
I love you too Mark!!!
Hey cous, just been catching up with your blog. Wicked photos - but tell me Dan, how is it you were the only one not pictured standing on your surfboard?