Today was our much needed day of rest. We slept in as long as we wanted (11am) was great! We got a little too tipsy last night. After we finally got ourselves up and about we went into the train station for a quick bite to eat at McDonalds, where Leigh ran into someone she knew from Eckerd...Small World!!!! After our much needed breakfast/lunch we jumped on the Metro out of the city. We then had to get on another train to take us towards the beaches!! It was a long, hot, train did not help that our bodies were hating us from last night. We arrived at our stop and had to walk about 200 meters from the station to the beach:) It was a bit of a tease at first because the beach was gated off for what seemed like forever; we finally found our way to the public beach where the sand was on FIRE!!! We found a spot on the very crowded beach about 15 feet from the water, it was quite nice. The water was so incredibly immediately made us feel better. The only annoying part about the beach was that the vendors (the guys selling fake bags, glasses, towels, etc...there was even people offering massages...but we think they were pickpockets) There was not any nudity at this beach, but there were some sights that we wish we had never seen. lol. We will definitely be having nightmares.
After a few hours and a nice burn later, we headed back into the city for a gelato and a light nap. We got 2 new roomies today, they seem nice so guy who has been traveling for 5 weeks and going home tomorrow, and a girl from California. It is wierd, the past few days we have met a million people from Georgia, Decatur area. Then we took ice cold showers and prepared for our last night at L Antica Taverna and will be sad! But Germany is playing Turkey in futbol so it should be an interesting night!!! Tomorrow we will head to Pisa and hopefully upload the 400 photos we have from here and Florence. Until tomorrow...:)
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