Courtney.August 26, 2010@ 20:55
About a week ago, a young guy walked up to Danielle and asked her if she worked for a magazine.She told him yes and he asked if she could come on a tour with his company Micro-Finance tours, (you can see what they do.She said t talk to me, and I would talk to Nikki.I emailed them and Danielle and I arranged a meeting with them a few days later.
They're only 26 years old and very successful for their age.After the meeting and after Danielle and I told them we would be going with them on their tour on Saturday.After the meeting we walked into the reception area to tell our friend Vanang (sp? But sounds like "danang" with a v) about the tour and she said, Oh my God, I was planning on being th etranlator for that tour on Wednesday but it was cancelled so now I cant go because I have to work here (Hanoi Backpackers'' Hostel a.k.a. our home] Saturday!"Weird coincidence #1.
So then the next day Walker and I went on a 4-hour trek to final place that will let us rent motorbikes from Hanoi, drive them to Hue and drop them there.Most places only have a base in Hanoi and Saigon, so it's not an easy task.Weird coincidence #2: after we're hanging out with one of the tour company reps for an hour, talking about our trip, the bikes, our beer bellies, and life in general, we see a flier for the MFT Vietnam trip we're doing on Saturday.We told her and she said, "Oh my God, I'm the translator Saturday.Turns out she's good friends with Kiron (one of the two 26-year olds who started the company and Walker and I met with a few days prior).I had been waiting to decide whether or not I was going on a quick trip to Hong Kong on Friday, thereby postponing the micro-finance tour, but after this, and after she told us she would come out with us after the tour, I decided I couldn't do Hong Kong.
Weird coincidence #3:Walker and I were strolling down the streets of Hanoi, trying to find our way back to our home, HBH, and I hear, "Courtney!"It's Isaac, the other founder of MF Tours Vietnam.Hanoi is a large and very populated city.This is not like when you're on Sutter street and you run into your ex at a bar and then see him an hour later at the next bar.
Anyway, Walker and I decided that next time we go tot Disneyland we will go on It's a Small World After All five times in a row and will sing along each time.Its Thursday night here so I need to go on a talent search. TBC.
- comments
Jax Tbc because talent search. :) hahaha