Danielles Little Vacation
Well its been a week since i've last made an entry (i've been without computer access for a week) but now i can fill you in on whats been going on! After a couple of days in Cape Town we flew upto Durban to visit with my mums cousins Adrienne and Tony, it was a great week and they couldn't have been better hosts! Our first night we went out for dinner with Adrienne and Tony, their son Matthew his wife Betty and their kids Tyra and Twayne. We then got up the following morning to rain so decided to visit the Natal shark board. The shark board takes care of making sure all durban beaches have shark nets - these nets are then checked daily - if a shark has been caught and is still alive it will be set free if its dead its taken to the shark board for a public dissection!! It was kind of gross watching this shark being cut up but i enjoyed it - they pretty much ripped it to bits, they also open up the stomach to see what the sharks last lunch was - in this case another shark! On friday we did a bit of shopping and believe it or not i was really good - just a pair of flip flops were purchased!! Although i could have spent alot more! That night we went out clubbing with Matthew and Betty - which was fantastic- we went to a bar called billy bums then the club tiger tiger! Saturady we took a drive down the coast stopping at various places along the way - we stopped to have a walk on the beach and guess which dickhead went a bit too far out and got soacked by a wave - fully clothed!! That would have been me! Sunday we went to a water park it was kind of like a sea world / waterpark, they did have shark cage diving their but it was very staged and i feel if i'm going to do it i need to be in the ocean! Monday we drove north to the valley of a 1000 hills which had to be some of the most breath taking views i've ever seen - we had lunch at a gorgeous hotel over looking the mountains. We then moved on to phezulu a traditioanl zulu town were they explain their traditions and way of life and have a sing and dance (dad you would have loved it the women all have their boobs out!) On our last full day we headed to the oldest game reserve in S. africa we had to leave the house at 5am and didn't get home till after 6pm - but it was amazing - we saw giffares, elephants, zebras, different deers, water buffalo, babboons, wilderbeast and bush pigs! We didn't see any big cats but thats the luck of the draw, Last night we had a farewell dinner with everyone as we set off back to cape town today. I'm so glad we visited durban though evey and i loved it!
We are now back at the hostel in cape town but i just wanted to fill you in on the last week - i will put my photos on next week when i get to singapore as its free internet access there!
Heading to the bar now for drinks
Love and miss you all
ps - for anyone who saw my backpack i've already ahd my first accident i feel down a step with it - so now i can't walk or put pressure on that foot! When i get home i'm burning that bag!!
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