Danielles Little Vacation
Well here i am in beautiful New Zealand!! Before flying into new Zealand we spent a few days in cairns but didn't really get chance to do much or see anything as it was constantly raining! The parts of cairns we did see were nice although very expensive, i had been waiting all the way up the coast to go scuba diving, as it has to be done at the great barrier reef!! I went to enquire but was told that the first few days i was there, it would still be really poor visibilty due to the cyclone and too rough to go out, then the only day i could have done it was the day before i flew to nz, and due to such dramatic changes in altitude i couldn't do it then! So i was really gutted!! Oh well next time maybe!
Evey spoilt me rotten yesterday on my birthday, i got pressies in australia (a book about fairy folklore - yes i know i'm 23 now, but i doubt i'll ever really grow up!, and a couple of sentimental pressies)
I then got my next batch of goodies on the plane, which was a silver necklace and earrings, and this surfboard phone charm! All very nice!!
Then after dinner in new zealand i got my final two pressies, a bag i'd seen in cairns and this moving bug (i'll show you when i get home). So i was a really lucky girl - and Evey was amazing, as it was a little sad being away from home and not seeing everyone!
We did try to get upgraded to first class on the plane but that didn't work - so the guy gave us two seats each instead! Which was nice!
We had a quick dinner in the hostel, where we bumped into a couple of guys and a girl (who's from huddersfield) we met on the greyhound bus in oz, and also a guy we've bumped into a couple of times travelling up the coast! So it turned out that evey and i wouldn't be celebrating my birthday on our own and that infact i had a ready made party!
We had a great night - granted i had a little bit too much to drink (it was my birthday mummy, and we were carefull, plus i'm telling the tale now!) but it was alot of fun! Even calling home when i was drunk!!
I woke up at 9am not feeling too bad actually, evey however thought she was going to die!!! Luckily she didn't and now shes content chilling out and reading ok magazine!
Tomorrow morning we fly down to christchurch, where we were supposed to be picking up a camper van, however there are no available campers anywhere so were back to hosteling it and hiring a car! its actually worked out better this way and Maya (the travel agent) has done us a really good deal! She even put us together an itenary for nz so we don't miss anything -so now were all set!
Ok i'm going to go join evey with the ok mag - i need to catch up on the celeb goss!
Miss you all
love me
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