Thailand is crazy and so are the people! hahaha I fit in well here! Not! I have never seen so many seedy men and women in all my life! If your husband/boyfriend ever says"I'm going to Thailand with the boys" DONT LET HIM!!!!! HHAHahaha
Well we've been to Phuket, where we stayed in Patong, and Chalong then got a ferry to Ko Phi Phi where we did the Maya Bay tour. this is where The Beach was filmed it was lush. Elaine and I were stood on the beach going Leonardo could have been stood on this bit of sand we are stood on hahah we are sad, I know!
Phi Phi is small and quaint and has breath taking views from the Pee Pee viewpoint, just up from Lux backpackers where we stayed. Lux backpackers was cheap and cheerful.
We walked for 30 minutes and because of Elaine suspected spider bite at the time, I had to carry all backpacks which nearly snapped my ankles in half. We then realised we could have rented a trolly for 100 baht which is 2 GBP hhahaha! Phi Phi has no roads just wide paths where pedestrians and cyclists fight for the concrete blocks!!! Crazy all we kept hearing was human voices saying 'beep, beep!' (as apose to robot voices!!! What am I on about!)
We meet some really nice lads from huddersfield, who had just graduated, who we went on the trip with. Phil and Andy were lovely, Phil never shut up but we had a laugh with them. You will see them on my pics, when i eventually upload them. I have decided not to upload my pics after my disaster experience in Singapore. I dont know if I told you but a computer wiped both my memory cards . Luckily I had saved most onto facebook and onto my memoty stick! So you'll have to wait 2 more weeks before I upload all my thai pics I'm afraid!
We went to Krabi for a night, so Elaine could have her arm cleaned. It was a quiet place with lots of shops. We had an awful experience in the hospital, where basically a man died in the next room to us. It was awful we were in tears as we heard his family and friends wailing, one poor woman was on the floor. I will never get on a motorbike, I was always reluctant anyway!
Sunday was the longest day ever, we got about 5 buses and a ferry from Krabi to Surat Thani to Koh Pha-Ngan 11 hours of travelling and me carrying 3/4 bags!!! Knackered isn't even close to what we felt.
When we arrived we then had to walk 10 mins to a beach where people were patying so we could get a longtail boat from Haad Rin to Haad Yuan where Elaines mate Ed was staying as all the accomodation was booked up due to the forthcoming Full Moon Party.
We struggled to climb into the boat in the water in the dark, then Elaines phone had no signal to phone Ed to meet us off the boat as we didn't know the name of where he was staying! haha and I had no credit! The boat was light so it was flying everywhere and we were getting splashed to say the least and then we arrived finally!!!!
The boat men like most 'business men' over here do, ripped us off...con-artists must go to a college over here! Plus we were tired so we had no strength to barter! Then the day jsut got better as i was getting out of the boat my flip flop got caught in the sand and I was stuck wobbling back and forth for about 10 years (ok 2 secs) then with my bag and my clothes on (obvious I dont usually walk around naked!) I gentally splashed into the water!!! Well all I could was laugh...and I rescued my phone in time and my purse and well my camera is waterproof luckily hahaha It was a giggle...We then thought about shouting for Ed hahah and we started walking to the shop to buy some credit when we bumped into our pastey, Leeds mate who, god bless, wasn't able to walk up until November after a climbing i'm very into the whole 'fate' thing at the mo. As things keep happening that way.
So we stayed in beautiful Haad Yuan for 5 days, and me and Ed took it in turns to sleep on the floor, as Princess Elaine had had enough of bugs at this point with all her mosi bites, spider bites etc...Oh yeh...we found out it wasn't a Spider. It was a mosi bite that got infected!!! Errrr! I have never met anyone so brave as Elaine, their nursing skills are so heavy handed over here...NHS aren't that bad after all...and she's spent a fortune!
Anyway the Full Moon party was crazy...due to the buckets of joy as they call them! thai vodka, red bull and coke in a sand bucket....yuk yuk yuk, you might say...and you would be right! Well the night ended with me watching the beautiful sunrise, trying not to hurl all over! Never again! But then Elaine turned up with a nearly sliced off toe and cut open foot, which happened as she fell over a longtail boats motorised ore looked horrendous...hole in her arm, hanging off toe, 4 cameras replaced, and , Grandad passing away were as much as she could take. So she is on her way home on Sunday. Travelling Thailand isn't easy anway let alone on on cruthces!
It's an end of an era and my travelling sister will always be very special to me and I'm am going to miss her company, funny one liners, great dance moves very very much....Oh no I'm going to cry! Right....So now I'm on Koh Samui island in Ratanna Guesthouse which has a swimming pool,its very tranquill and 10 mins from Chaweng beach.
Well I'm off to meet my new friends from Hull to party at the Green Mango!!!Ws in reggae Pub last night, which is an open air 2 floored venue, with a huge stage, and amazing thai tribute bands that sound like the real thing hahah!!!
Going to Laos Tuesday to meet my Leeds lad Dan and his mate Greg to do the notorious tubing, then to Bangkok to shop and then got to Kanchanaburi to feed the elephants and tigers and trek through the jungle, then back to Bangkok for more shopping before coming back to sunny England!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well can't wait to see you all and I do miss you all very much.
take care and I will see you all within the next month....Mum can't wait to see you at the airport might not recognise you now you are 50 years old hahahahahah love you loads XXXX
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