Not too much to say about today's events, after breakfast I made my way to the bus station and bought a ticket to Chiang Mai, this time there were a few girls on the bus but we were all too tired to talk. The bus took a bit longer than expected and by the time we arrived in Chiang Mai it was already dark. I took one of those shared taxi (I don't remember the name) that dropped my 5 minutes walk from my guesthouse, however he pointed in the opposite direction so it took me almost 20 minutes yo find my accommodation. Now I'm in my shared room with other 5 girls: 3 brits, 1 american, the other one doesn't speak. Time to look for food!
Don't know what happened to this blog entry as I'm sure I posted it yesterday, however I went out with the girls for dinner, this sounds really formal, what we actually did was to order some food at a street stall pointing at the menu, I got lucky with my soup, really tasty.After that it was Muay Thai time, I have to say that you should all see it at least onece in your life, there is always a ritual, a sort of pray, before any fight, and then they start kicking. :-) 2 Chiang later the evening was over, time to go back to the base.
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