Some of you are probably thinking? "Eh, London?", well the eyes are not playing tricks on you, yes im back in the uk for a while. Due to the global meltdown of the worlds economies and the fact that my industry always gets hit first and hard, I decided to come home a try and find the work I was looking for in Australia (Work as in proper paid work to fund the final leg of my trip) and do it here. Originally my plan was to use my savings to get me as far as Oz, work somewhere for a few months then carry on, but, the gamble didnt pay off and the work didnt happen. Got to admit though, applying for jobs that you can do with your eyes shut and being told "no" really gets tiresome after a while, god dam Aussies! Still, I dont blame them, they are obviously going to "look after their own" first and thats fine by me, just wish I could have predicted the credit crunch making it as far as Aus when I was looking to book this trip otherwise I wouldnt have set my sights on working there and putting so much on the thought of me working, ah well. The journey back was 23 hours.....bloody long, too long! I was straight away greeted by rain, cold and sad faces, yeah, Im back in the uk, ha ha. Gotta admit, its nice being home, especially for xmas and the fact I just turned up on the doorstep un-announced added to the moment.
Anyway no more to report really, I am considering adding bits to the blog from "London" but we'll see. Shenel (as far as I know) made it to Australia ok and is in Sydney so any updates from here on out will be from her....
Hope to catch up with some of you soon, if not, have a good xmas!
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