Hey Dan, The oz trek is certainly an experience! :p Great to see your in sydney. I have set my sydney harbour pic as my back ground now in honor of that!! Hope things are going well. KMG christmas part this friday. At the grove!! Enjoy the blue mountians!!
Go Wenny!
Fluffy pics? ha ha ha. Yeah civilisation soon!!!!!!!!!!!
OOii!! All these sunsets and fluffy pics!! Are you feeling lonely?? Missing someone??...I miss tyou to Big Boy!! Jokes. Keep the pics coming and thks for keeping us updated. Roll on civilization in a few days time.
Daner just viewed all your pictures. they are awsome. Can't wait to chat next time on the alluminium roof. ps i have a golf outing shirt for you. love in the butt always sno
Oh how I miss those jokes Mr Faires.
Nepal blog coming soon, watch this space!
whats black and white and goes round in circles.....
A penguin in a revolving door!!!
they don't make em like they used when you were here dan, looks like your having an amazing time keeo it comming!!
So...still alive and wandering thru India I see! I trust you and yours are enjoying every ... ok MOST...moments. Remembered a place in Mozambique where the village centre was below street level - no movement of air and extremely hot and humid. Very stinky as well mainly unwashed bodies. Also couldn't last more than a few minutes. Keep the photos coming and stay alive.
Good to hear you got there safe, have a wicked time. Put some pics up!
You survived your first night in Africa. Hope you stayed on your side of the security fence! Look fwd to reading of your adventures!! Take notes of Christine's dreams/screams - could be a movie in there somewhere!!