Day 8:
The Alam went off about 7.30. (the earliest we've got up so far). All got ready, went outside about 9.15 and a bloke from the trekking was waiting for us. We had to put our bag into the storage room and our personal stuff in a locker at our accommodation. The trekking bloke gave us a ruck sack to put our clothes etc, for the next 3 days. (it stunk). We jumped in the back of an open back truck, where there was already a lady from Peru, 2 ladies from Germany and our tour guide called chang. We where on our way. It took an hour to get to the Market, where we had to get toilet roll, a torch and anything else we needed for the trip. Then we set off to see the elephants, It took about half hour. We walked up to the elephants and went up a stand, got on the back of the elephant, I went with Danielle, Leanne went with the lady from Peru and the 2 Germans went together. We started going around, we were the last out of the 3. It was such an experience, our elephant kept farting and turning around to scratch it's bum and had the biggest s*** I've ever seen. We got about half way around and our bloke that was sitting on the elephants head, kept throwing bugs at Danielle. We got a bit further around and had to go down a big slope and we kept slipping forward and we were a bit worried that one of us would fall out, as we weren't strapped in or anything. Towards the end, one of danielle's flip flops fell off her foot and the elephant picked it up with some grass and started eating it, the bloke tapped the elephant and the elephant gave it to Danielle with his trunk. The elephant trip came to an end and we got off. We walked down off the stand and there was a baby elephant that we were stroking. Chang then said we have a 10 minute drive to lunch and the trekking. We had lunch, some rice thing. (was really nice). Then the trek began, we was walking what seemed ages, ( up and down, then up and down again, I was sweating like mad) we were going across foot wide paths with a 20 foot drop be side us, over rivers and through rice fields, it was mental. We finally came to a waterfall, where we was swimming in, cold but lovely. We then walked again for about 1/2 hour seemed like 4/5 hours. Then we came to a village where we were staying for the night. (a hut about 10 feet of the floor, we went into the hut and it had like a beach mat on the floor with a mosquito net over it. You had to go down a muddy steps to go to the toilet and it was just a hole in the ground.(the girls loved it) lol. We then had dinner,(some rice thing again). Then the locals came and were selling things. (neckles, bracelets, bags, all hand made). After that we went to bed.
End of day 8.
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