Day 65:
We got up at 9am and went to McDonalds as we needed to go to the toilet! when we finished we parked across the road from McDonalds and had a bowl of cereal! Then we had to go and fill up with petrol then back on the road for another 2 hour drive! We stopped off at a little rest stop for about an hour, I tried to have a little kip but couldn't so I just rested. Got back on the road and probably drove about an hour and a half! finally we hit Melbourne. At first we wanted to go straight back to Sydney as we had got used to it there and knew people! After driving around for an hour we finally came to a park (Royal Botanic Gardens). Danielle cooked some pasta, I did the washing up and Leanne put the stuff away. I looked up on the map and saw that Melbourne cricket ground (MCG) was only round the corner so we drove past it but didn't really get a good view. As we hadn't showered all day we headed down to the beach to the cold showers and had a "lovely" shower. We decided that after the cold shower we deserved a treat so we went to Coles and stocked up on chocolate, donuts, sweets, cookies and coke. Even got Marmite which here it's Ourmate haha!... We went back to the van and Skyped home! then just got an early night.
End of day 65.
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