We're both settled in Melbourne now, we're staying in a hostel which is $46 per night for both of us, which is about 23GPB so that's really cheap. We're sharing a room with 3 guys who are from the netherlands who are really nice, and a Korean girl who is really friendly but a bit strange, she makes weird noises in her sleep and eats philadelphia on crackers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The hostel is really good, they have a recruitment agency here to help you find a job, and a travel agent that sorts out day trips, and also they give free tours around the city. We're quite happy here at the moment so we think we'll stay here for a while.
We're finding that supermarkets are really expensive so we haven't been cooking for ourselves. There's a canteen in our hostel which serves really nice food which is really cheap so we've just been eating there. Apart from food, we're finding everthing else is quite cheap, quite a lot cheaper that England anyway. It cost about $50 (25 GBP) to fill up the campervan which we were pleased about as we were expecting it to be more.
Danny's starting work on Monday and they're going to see if there's enough work for me as well, we're hoping there will be as the pay will probably be better, but if not there's plenty of work around.
We went on a day tour yesterday, we went to a winery where we did wine tasting, and then to another wildlife park where we saw an albino kangaroo! and then in the evening we went to something called 'The Penguin Parade', which is where every night at sunset the world's smallest penguins walk from the sea to their sand dune burrows, they are really cute and funny!
We had a walk around the city today to find some coats as it's getting quite cold here, we didn't manage to find anything but it was nice to see the city.
We're thinking about renting an apartment as we've seen a company advertised that offers furnished apartments in the city centre for $340 (180GBP) a week, which is not much different to what we're paying at a hostel, but we're not too sure yet as we quite like being around other people and it would mean sticking to a 2 month contract so we couldn't change our mind if we wanted to move.
We haven't got much else panned, just trying to see as much of the city as we can before starting work.
I'll try and update you soon! Internet is quite expensive here!
Em and Danny xx
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