The final day, and I wake up bloody sick. This is not the way it was meant to be. But nothing I can do about it as I was not going to spend it in bed. After several visits to the toilet we made our way down to breakfast but I didn't really have an appetite. I ate what I could which mostly consisted of fruit, I couldn't even finish my omelette from the chef. We returned to the room so Jac could organise our transport from the airport for tomorrow night when we arrive back in Melbourne. Wow, so hard to believe it is all over. We are getting so excited but also a little sad knowing that the chances of ever experiences something like this again are pretty slim. I mean traveling for more than a quarter of a year, that's crazy to think about. But we can't wait to see all our amazing friends & family again, I'm smiling just thinking about. And going back to oz, well, it's a pretty awesome country to be going home to. So after the skype we got our stuff together & caught a Tuk Tuk up to the temples. This is what we had come to Siem Reap to see. It was a few k's until we had to stop & buy an entry ticket. After passing a few monkeys we were dropped at the famous temple Angkor Wat. Built from about the 12th century the complex is many hundred acres comprising lots of temples. Angkor Wat is the main one that people come to see so we began there. We wandered through the tour guides offering their services & into the temple. We had a look but decided to return & employ the services of a guide. It was a smart decision as he brought the history to life & explained why things were built the way they were. Without him we just would have been looking at a bunch of old, strategically placed rocks. We spent 2 hours with the guide before returning to get a feed where the Tuk Tuks were parked. The prices were a little high to get food but I really didn't feel like eating anyway. We negotiated with a driver to take us to another temple, Angkor Tom, then back to the hotel for $8. He dropped us at the temple & we began to enter. However as we started exploring it began to rain really hard. And it rained & rained until we gave up & found our driver. We organised for him to take us into town instead of the hotel where we grabbed a feed. On the way back to the hotel it was still raining. In fact it didn't stop until about 9pm. So we warmed up with showers & have packed our bags for the last time. That feels a little weird to think about. We've gotten pretty proficient at it too. So tomorrow it's an early flight to Malaysia, then we have 2 hours to get to our connecting flight for Melbourne. Hopefully we don't get delayed. We have so much to organise when we get back, a huge list. Im looking forward to sitting down at a computer in the next few weeks & giving my final blog before we get this all published into a book. Just one long travel day left & it's all over. Australia, we're coming home!!
- comments
larni Can't wait to read the finished book. Missed you guys can't wait to see you both xoxox