Well what a busy last couple of weeks it has been. We finished campaigning in WA for Medecins Sans Frontiere and had a big road trip getting to Darwin. It required days of constant driving but we arrived safe and sound without knocking over any bulls or kangaroo's.
On our way we stopped off at Broome which felt kind of like a resort town but it was so much better than red desert and small mining towns. We had a couple of nights at a backpackers hostel, we tried out some surfing (which I wasnt very good at) and we relaxed by sunbathing. It was a lovely well earned break for us as we had been working full time the month before.
Our highlight of Broome was going to the Willie Creek Pearl tour. We had to hire a 4 WD to get there. We had an educational talk about how they farm their pearls, and were shown how to check the quality of pearls and pricing them up, we saw a necklace that was valued at $70,000. Fay treated herself to a pearl bracelet and I bought her a mother of pearl necklace for our 1 year anniversary ;) We also got taken out on a boat where we saw our first wild crocodile :D
Arriving in Darwin was a fantastic feeling being able to kick back in city life again! We stayed in a brilliant backpackers and reeped many benefits of being a backpacker - free meal vouchers and drink promotions. We went to a bar where they played games all night for free prizes. For one of the games I (Daniel) had to put my arms straight up in the air and mimic a poll while fay polldanced on me, she also stripped me to the point of nearly fully losing my dignity!!! It worked though and we won 3 jugs of beer!!!!
We are now finishing our last couple of days of working in a town called Katherine. This weekend we are going to Kakadu national park which is supposed to be amazing and full of waterfalls, then on sunday our boss has booked for us all to go on a crocodile tour, we are pretty excited about it.
Next plan is to go to Alice Springs and Adelaide, just need to figure out a cheap way of getting there...
Fay and Dan :)
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