Loved the latest photos of the Temples. Well done, the whole site looks brilliant and will be a great reminder of your travels.
Pam Morgan
Hello you two, Brill pics of your New Year! You both look so tanned and healthy. Its been a grey old day here and rained all day. Enjoy your time left in the sun. Love Mum xx
Julie Edwards
merry christmas and happy new year....can see you are still having a wonderful time....much love and best wishes...julie graham martin and darren xxxx
cant wait to skype with you both on christmas day!!
Again brilliant updates on your journeys..... xxxx
Awesome pics once again of the Elephant trek...... i want to go on one!!! lol
Really looked like you both had fun, especially bathing the elephant. Dad has sent in an application form for a programme called 'the tube', so if he gets through and wins lots of dosh, we can all go on an elephant too!!! lol
Take care and love to you both xxxx
Hey you two.
Really good to see you on Skype today. I see your pics didn't manage to upload though which is a shame - we are looking forward to seeing the pics of Cambodia and the devastating Killing Fields.
Oh yes, and seriously think about setting up a 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' style banquet for when Pagey gets there - want to see your faces when chewing on a deep fried cricket or a scorpion.....or worse!!
Glad things continue to go so well for you - actually seems to be getting better and better all the time. Lucky things!! Enjoy the rest of Cambodia. Speak/ see you soon. Take care. xx
Julie Edwards
happy birthday fay....have a wonderful day.....enjoy and have fun....apparently you are ahead of our today will be 2nd september....your mum came down to broadstairs for a birthday surprise for graham 50th and stayed a few days,which was great fun,weather was s***..saturday was ok but sunday was rough,lol and most family and friends had left by lunch time..but at least it was a break....hope you are both ok and doing well...continue having julie n family xxxxx
Kim M.
Hey Dan and Fay!!!
Looks like you guys are still out exploring and having the best time! So jealous! I wanted to remind you to let me know when you make it to Thailand and I can pass on what I know about places you must go see! I'm loving your blog. It helps me think I am still out there traveling too. Keep enjoying yourselves!!!!!!!!!
Take Care
Kim (from Canada)
Pam Morgan
hi you two, been to battle n broadstairs now in Sheffield. Hosital today with Dot, they are pleased and surgery to follow v soon. Glad to hear you are enjoying your travels and making the most of new places and people. Speak to you soon I hope. Love mum xx
Mum And Dad
hiya you two gorgeous beasties,
Once again fantastic pictures and videos!! So proud of the two of you and what you both have achieved on this trip, really are making the most of travelling and seeing new adventures. The whole trip so far has been amazing for us to sit and see what youve been doing and i love this site coz it najkes it possible for just to do this.
Love to you both and hope the trip carries on being the eye opener is has so far. Mum, Dad, Jamie and Christina xxxx
Julie Edwards
love the pictures...2 wks and graham will be 50 lol off to broadstairs again...i know so predictable......your mum has been asked to stay with sue and howard for a few days, hope the nice weather lasts. darren got a long last...and martin has moved into to flat in st albans with carla...have seen all the boys..they are back from uni, paul hibbert is going to start uni in septembeer...we have now got 3 ponies and another on loan....hard work but good fun....glad your having such good fun....i do like to still keep an eye on you fay morgan lol take care love julie xxxxxxxx
The Nvq Centre
Daniel stop posing! The fish you caught weren't very big ha ha. Also, make sure you don't get washed away under that waterfall! Our view at the mo is aload of cars and roadworks yay! Who are your friends? And where's our postcard?