So after our brill time in Patagonia it was time to hit BA! (Buenos Airies).
My travel anxiety was being well-managed until the hostel said we had to make our own beds. After a 30sec hissy-fit I got on with it and got to sleep. We spent a few days in BA before going to Iguazu and points to note are:
We found an amazing market in San Telmo district where Kim fell in love with old leather bags because they were old and had character. Harry you would love this place, but don't worry Helen, Kim has taken her taste from her father but her moral code from you - based on our deep discussion the previous night.
Also, I did something out of the ordinary, take a leap and do dsomething bold, something risky, something impulsive. Something stupid. I got my head shaved! The look on the barbers' face should have told me a No 1 was too harsh, and it was. But even with my satellite ears (yes, I do get Sky Sports), I could carry it off it was judged. And at least it was better than the Jedward our Orla pointed out I had going on!
So on to Iguazu and the penultimate Uber-bus trip of 20hrs on our voyage across the globe. And we still ain't gettin any better! At 18:15, departure time, no bus. At 18:30, no bus. So I goes up to the office to ask. They tell me to bring ticket and Kim duly does. Now, in our now faultless graspo of the Spanish language since Maddy left we asked was it just late, instead of responding we were told to wait at the office while 4 men frantically ran round. 15mins later they told us to go to gate 37. Why they couldn't just answer our previous question we will never know. But Maddy might.
Journey was fine, except for me spilling a lot of smuggled red wine over myself. We got to the hostel,met a few nice people, particularly Elycia, a Swiss girl this time not a watch maker. We hit it off so we met up when we got back to BA, but thats another story.
Next day we go to the falls, and get in cheap because Elycia gave us her return ticket she never used. Result, as this is one of the front runners to get into the new Seven Natural Wonders of the World. However, on truning the path and getting our first glompse of this massive, magnificent beast, Kim comes off with another of her classics - 'Is that it?' -WTF!?!
We got closer, and got drenched by the spray, had a cheesy tourist pic taken as we got in cheap, and eventually, on seeing the enormity and appreciating what was infront of her, got te gist of why we travelled two days to get here.
I can't begin to describe how cool, and loud, it was. I even managed to get Kim to agree to take me to Niagra for my 40th to compare.
The only drawback was the ugly Sheraton hotel they built in the middle of the park, and the destroyed old walkways from when the river flooded due to deforestation in the 80's.
The town of Iguazu was not much to write about, exceot for me getting another amazing steak. I also got a few runs in so thats me done a 10K in the desert and the Rainforest. But due to lack of interests in the town and the time we already spent in the falls we cut our trip a day short so city-lover with me could get back to BA.
Our last trip on the bus and, as usual, engulfs in calamity. Firstly, Kim leaves the iPod in the hostel so my previous runs came on handy, then, I forget to but wine so I had to run for that (of course!), then, Kim goes to the loo and we almost miss the buss as they already closed the hold and pulled away before we ran up.
Other than that, our last mammoth bus journey was great. Kim especially enjoyed it, not least because we watched like 5 episodes of Grey's Anatomy back-to-back!
- comments
Breige The picture is beautiful, that's it?? Kidding!!! Boy!! I'll be glad when you can speak the language (where's Maddy??). Glad you found the iPod, wine (most importantly) and caught the bus....I held my breath for a minute incase u missed the bus. Have fun, eat more steak and drink the wine...... Breige
Breige Hello, are you both OK?? I'm patiently awaiting your next escapade. Hope all is well.......did you have a Great St. Patricks Day!!!! Breige