Well where to start with this one. I may have mentioned in the last blog that we were due to go to an island called Koh Rong and how beautifully amaizing it was meant to be....well this is how the departure day went for us. We were told we would be picked up at 8, so at half 7 we orderd breakfast and 2 minutes later the bus comes, that was just the start of our very pants day. Anyone who knows me will know that if anyone comes inbetween me and my food there is going to be a problem, so when i didnt get my omlett because someone ballsed up the time i wasnt a very happy bunny. We were also told when we booked our ticket that the slow boat we were catching took 2 hours to get to Koh Rong, which meant we would get there for 11. Wrong information yet again with that one, what actually happend was we were put on a boat that did a three island day trip, so we stopped off to do some snorkaling, which we didnt do, I was just about recovering from mega bad sea sickness. Next stop was for an hour at an island called Koh Rong Saloam, it was the most beautiful beach i had ever layed eyes on, it was stunning, but because we were headed to our very own island beach we just went and ate lunch and then it was time to get back on the boat. By the time we eventually arrived it was after 3 in the afternoon, so the 2 hour trip ended up taking 5 hours!
When we got off the boat we were faced with yet another magaluf, it was a smaller beach but packed to the rafters with bars and guesthouses blasting music with hordes of young s*** faced (parden the french) idiots trying to grab you in and get you to buy weed and get pissed with them....eeeeeer no thanks, this was definatley not the island paradise get away we had hoped for. We started looking into hiring a boat to take us around to another quieter beach, but the boat cost $30 to hire and we had already been told that the cheapest room we would get around there would be $30, so with that alone and then having to pay another 30 to get back to the boat when we wanted to come home the whole trip was costing way way too much. We tried looking for accommodation on the main magaluf stretch of beach but because we were looking in the afternoon the only places with beds were doorms.....errrr again no thanks! So after all that we ended up rushing down the beach back to the pier to catch the last boat home, which happend to be a speed ferry, it was the worst experience ever, it was like a 40 minute rollacoaster ride, I had to hide into damian and put all my concentration and energy into not barfing all over the 100 passangers that were also being bashed and thrown about on this monsta water ride....damo on the other hand being a rollacosta junkie loved the whole thing! So after leaving our lovely little otres beach to spend the day feeling stressed and sick on a boat all day we ended up back on the mainland, but this time on the original magaluf....not a great day :(
Needless to say we booked our bus ticket out of there the next day, we are now in a sea side town called Kep, this is where we are getting the boat over to Rabbit island, which we have done extensive research on and thank god it looks as though it will be the quiet paradise island we are after.
Kep is a funny little place, its very much a locals seaside town, and it just so happens to be chinese new year which seems to last about 4 days so this place is absolutely heaving with locals having a party on the beach, playing music and having picnics. There is a crab market which we walked to today, you see all the men and women in the sea dragging in their baskets of crab and then they bbq it up right there and then in the market, we had lunch at one of the fish restaurants, we didnt have crab because we are saving it for when we go to Rabbit island but Damo had grilled fish, it came as a whole fish with head and eyes and everything, It was so fresh and scrummy, once you look past the grilled eye ball staring at you! We also did big long walk through part of Keps national park, once we found one of the footpaths it was like a steep staircase for about half a mile, tough work in 30' heat! It was a little un nerving and at times we were sure that we shouldnt really be walking through it alone, solo jungle trekking can be a little scary when you hear all the noises and rustling that goes on, i even saw a monkey! We decided to turn back when our path was getting a little hairy and we were surrounded by branches that had millions of spikes on them and we were being bitten by all sorts of flying things, it was almost like we wern't welcome so we headed back to where we came from and stopped off at cafe that had amazing views, we orderd some fresh lime juice...jeeeze it was sour! refreshing though atfer all that walking, I think we have decided that was quite enough activity for us in this heat, from now on the most we shall be doing is walking from the beach to the sea :) Although Chris and Sharron will be pleased to know that we have been doing our own circuits on the beach in the morning, although attempting to do shuttle runs with a dog chasing at your heals didnt work as well!
Our boat to the island leaves at 8 in the morning, they only have electricity until 10 so our head torches may be making an appearence and there is no wifi...du du duuuur how will we cope? we may actually have to talk to each other! Keeping all fingers and toes crossed that we can relax on a beatiful beach on a beautiful island, we dont leave for Vietnam until the 10th so heres hoping for 9 days of total relaxation.....thats if Damo doesnt go doolally with boredom :)
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