Finally after a 9 hour flight, for which I slept most of, here we are again in Bangkok a year on. Has anything changed? Not really, Bangkok is still polluted, busy and extremely hot and I love it! OK, maybe I am being slightly over the top to use the word "love", but this city has certainly grown on me. The weird smells from the food stalls on the side of the road are no longer sickening but appealing and the annoying traffic and noise are suppressed with the calm and punctuality of the sky train and the subway which really does put London's to shame. So I suppose a more appropriate word rather than "love" with Bangkok would be a "fling" and who knows maybe it will turn to "love" in the long term. Enough of that Lonely Planet garbage. Our first 2 days have been interesting and it all started very well when we checked in to our very nice boutique hotel (with free internet - yes I have been downloading porn all day if must know). This place looks great and is so cheap our room has a massive bed, a plasma TV with ESPN and a see through shower from the bed (the videos of me and my bare ass will be sold to the highest bidder). I'm just surprised we've managed to leave the room! This is probably going to be the nicest hotel we stay in for a while so I've stocked up on free soaps, toilet role and shampoo. Unfortunately the plasma is too big for my backpack but I have helped myself to a couple of tea bags (you never know I may need to trade them in prison). Anyway, other than enjoying HBO in our room we have and done a lot of walking, but don't worry I've done a lot of eating as well to make up for it - the highlight being my 1 pound pad tai with shrimps and chicken (big plate) on Kao san road (really pushing the boat out).We're off to Ao Nang tomorrow where the fun and frolics really begin! So any final words for Bangkok? Well, I suppose "same same but different"
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