Took a two-day trip to Phillip Island. It was a package tour. I generally don't like them but I have to admit it was a bit nice for a change. All decisions were put in someone else's hands...where to stay, where to eat, what to see. It was a relief to be herded about like cattle, being fed, being deposited practically in your bed at night. I'll never make fun of people who take tours again!
Stopped at a wildlife preserve and got to feed wallabies, emu's, and geese by hand. The wallabies are so gentle and sweet. They hold your hand with their claws while eating. They like to be scratched behind the ears and around the neck like dogs and cats. The emu's are a bit intimidating. They could really hurt you with those claws. Stopped at Koala Convervation Center and were able to view them up close. They sleep 20 hours a day so it's a bit hard to catch them awake. Their diet (Eucalyptus leaves) leaves them lethargic and lacking any energy.
Stopped at a cultural center. Saw a man shearing sheep. It took him less than five minutes to shear a 200 lb. sheep. The wool came off in one piece. Saw a boomerang demonstration and got to throw one. I sucked but fortunately the instructor had his back to me so he didn't see how bad I was. Unfortunately, everyone else did.
Hiked and biked all over Phillip Island. Saw giant pelicans (largest in the world) being fed. Large stingrays also showed up to feed on missed scraps. They were probably 4 ft. across. Hiked part of the Cape Woolamai track in the Cape Woolamai State Faunal Reserve.
Witnessed Little Penguins emerging from the sea and heading to their burrows on Churchill Island. There were over 500 and they had been in the sea for about a day. They were tired and fat (from recent mating, eating, swimming) and they would fall on their stomachs and rest a bit before going on. No pictures were allowed.
Stopped at Panny's Chocolate Factory and saw a one-ton block of chocolate. What a waste...
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