So after an hour delay in Sydney airport we where on our way. 13 hours later
And tired we have come into a drizzly bleak looking San Fran day... We landed at 9.30am but didn't leave with the hire car till 1pm...after haggling for an upgrade car we ended up with a
Dodge Derango...big sucker n very posh with all that opens and shuts. Ray driving it like he's had it for weeks...ahhh me bit scared. It's huge feels!like we in a truck... Well we had a bite to eat across from the motel... Yep was Mexican Tucker lol .was alright just. So tonight we plan tomorrow.
Well we in the States so first up➡➡➡ speed shop hunting for a steering wheel. Then maybe go to Sonoma raceway and a winery. Hope to do Jelly Belly factory tour and the Bud brewery tour probably next day.. Then it will be onward and heading up towards Seattle with about 8 stops planned along the way... Pictures coming stay tuned xxx
- comments
Elise Schaefer Hello Were connected now I can keep up with you both. Have fun. xx
Jessie, jason and charlotte Oh the jelly bean factory sounds awesome. Tell dad to slow down OK haha.
OLGA & KEITH Good on you guys, love to hear Ray is driving that huge car, Allana you will use to speed too. Just Don't drink too much, able to send us blogs and updates.,,,,,,,,,the best, from Keith & Olga, cheers!!!!!
Andrew Gatti Willy Andrew - off again - watch out for all those other big yank tanks - anyway have fun guys - lovely places that part of the states