Hey folks, Sorry its been a while since my last entry, so here goes with the update!
The last few days/weeks have been jam packed with Wanaka, Queenstown, Milford Sound, Stewart Island and Dunedin.
Wanaka -A pretty place set around a lake with a mellow vibe. Its a small town full of coffee shops, quirky clothes shops, ski and snowboarding gear plus a really funky cinema which you sit in comfy sofas plus it also has a interval half way through the film, where you can buy fresh out of the oven choc chip biscuits which are scrummy! I spent the week chiiling and staying the lovely Leigh and mark (old family friends of mum's). Their house is huge surrounded by stunning hills next to a flowing river. They also have 2 dogs (george & snoopy), chickens, 2 horses, 2 cows and a grumpy sheep!
Queenstown - Bungee Jump, ludge, hike up gondala, frisbee golf, open mic night ful of local kiwis, catching up with old friends and making new ones. The first few days were spent playing frisbee golf in the pretty botanical gardens with Rob & Kirsty (dorm buddys), eating ferg burgers -they're huge! watching boy films all day (wet and horrible all day) by the end of it kirsty and I were playing bond going down the corridors of the hostel by the end of the evening. haha! The only sunny day happened to be my bungee jump day. I met up with Elly (old friend from my first week in Sydney) before we hiked up to the top of the gondala before i was heading down to the bungee office.
Bungee Jump - I checked in, got on the scales, handed my stuff over to Elly, and made my way nervously across the bridge to the bungee ledge. Was given the low down as to what to do after the jump was over, clipped up in my harness, got taken right to the very edge - looked down and it was high! at this point the nerves had got to me and i was shaking. All they told me was run up, jump out far, arms out like a bird, head up and enjoy the ride! then i went back to take a run up with a countdown of 3, 2,1...BUNGEE!! at that i just went for it and the jump was over before i knew i was at the bottom but i loved every minute dispite being terrified!
That evening I went out to a local open mic night to find the bar full of local kiwis and a local rasta strumming away on the guitar. I had to be up at 6.15am the next morning to catch the bus to milford sound.
Milford Sound - stunning scenery.
After milford it was on the way to Stewart Island, which took a while. Stewart island itself was a small town which felt alot like a cornish village, i spent the day walking the backpacker's owner's dog - a yellow lab called Nackaroy.
We caught the ferry back to bluff just after the sunrise, stopped at various beaches along the way to Dunedin. That evening we did the brewary tour and went out for drink but as i felt like a tag along and was tired i headed back to the hostel early.
Dunedin - This place is my favourite city by far, full of culture, pretty old buildings, beaches and really friendly people. Explored the penisular, walked the steepest street in the world, chatted to a local maori guy who has tattoos all over his face, spotted budda monks walking through the centre of town. Tomorrow i leave to go back to Queenstown for more mayhem!
Take care all, & see you all soon!
love Chazza xxx
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