oz intro part 2..
Hey Folks, the bank stuff was dull, followed by a short 'travellers at work' talk which i think could of being longer and more informative. After lunch we headed out to the wildlife park which was quite cool because we saw a huge red kangerooa and had a photo with a koala in the background, which was quite surreal being so close to them.
The following day was spent doing a costal walk between bondi beach and coogee, with some stunning little beaches/bays in between. The famous bondi beach was good, although not quite what it cracked up to be in my head. We made our way to a BBQ on the beach which was nice, and as it also happened to be a girl named Stacey (in the ozintro group) 19th Birthday and got given 3 cakes which is quite impressive. After the barbie was a competative game of volley ball and freezing cold snorkelling. That evening, we had a 'work and travel' talk showing us where the best places to stay were along the east coast etc. The entire talk was helpful but it was hard to keep awake from a long day at the beach.
Today was a supurb day in the Blue mountains with stunning views over the valley and rock formations. It was a reali long day as we had to leave at 7am and got back to coogee at 5.30pm. The most scary thing happened was that we saw this snake which at first we didn't think much of, and people in the group were taking photos about a foot a away from the snake geting reali close, only to find out from the guide that it was infact a 'brown snake' - the 2nd most venonous snake in the world. Who are apperently are reali aggressive by nature and strike at any moving objects. In ideal circumstances we should of been in a 10 metre radius from it. The park ranger was really surprised that known of us had been bitten. After lunch we headed down over 845 steps to the railway, on the way passing a 'lire bird' which has a habit of immitating any noise it hears such as a car alarm, camera shutter, kettle whistle etc. they are apperrently really rare to see as they're nocturnal birds.
Chilling out on the beach tomoz and to discuss travel plans. At the moment im thinking of heading down to Melbourne, Adelaide up through the centre to Darwain, down the west coast to Perth in time for christmas. Then get a flight to Cairns and go down the East coast to Sydney. Alternatively, go up the east coast, flight to Perth, up the west coast to Darwin - down the middle then Adeladie, Melbourne to Sydney. desicions, desicions.... speak soon, Love Charlie xxxx
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