hey everyone we have lots of pictures to put on but having problems with the camera soz!! Kev my son wot happened to your eye mate? drop me an email with a picture of it lol [email protected] oh scott cant email you havent got your adress, email me when u get time if you want bryn and dan where are your messages u lazy s***s??? xx
Mummy Stevens
Hello Craig and Sammy. We are eargerly awaiting the arrival of some new photos and a new blog. Sure you will have lots to tell us about diving and other great things. Dad is busy sanding the floor today whilst trying to watch Bristol Rovers in the play-offs. They are currently winning 2-1 with about 20 minutes to go. The weather here is not that good, supposed to get worse for the bank holiday. Yes another one, you have missed them all this year. I don't like Gordon Ramsay. He was making the poor lambs play so they would build their muscles up before he gave them the chop. Can't wait to see you (hope you don't mind). Lots of love to both of you. xxxxxxx
Hello Craig n Sam,
Soz i aint left a comment been ages its been crazy round here i swear. Feels like such a long time not seeing you two around its well weird! But ive checked all the photos and that and u both look real happy and having a real good time which is wicked to see! Craig word on the street is N?ewcastle are subject to £133 million pound take over the Toon are shouting "Get Freddy out!". Saying all this though it wont be long till your back home and we all get to see you again which will be nice but still I hope the rest of your time away is just as good as all the time you have had. Missing u both like crazy. take care and keep enjoying it, Toby-Do x x x
Mummy (Mandy)
Hi you two, it was lovely to speak to you yesterday - sounds like you love Oz - hurry up and add some photos on. Daddy Glyn & Mummy Tina came down last night for coffee/chat but poor mummy Tina started hyper-ventilating because she thought Gordon Ramsay was gonna slaughter some lambs on television (he didn't!). Your uni loan forms have arrived Sam so me & Dad need to sit down and wade through them (thanks). We are going camping at the week-end to Cofton (Dawlish) with Paul/Tracey, Ann/George so send us a bit of your sunshine although it's not too bad here at the mo. Keep enjoying yourselves & love you loads. xx
Jue, Martin And Gang
Hi Sam and Craig
Have just been reading your blogs and looking at your photos and we are all so jealous. Sounds like your having an amazing time and the campervan sounds brilliant. Sorry to hear that the raffles experience was disappointing but at least you can say that you have done it. I (julie) have started walking with your mum, she is so fit that i can't keep up with her!! Any way keep having a wonderful time. xx
hey guys i'm back! I had such a blast! I saw Jamie again and it turns out he's only 17, not 18. I only found out coz since i saw him last, he's had his date of birth tatooed on him. Busted! Oh well it's still legal right? We spent the second half of the week with this stag party that were staying in our hotel. The guys were so much fun and out of the 12 lads guess which one took a liking to me. The Stag. So now he's not marrying his fiance anymore and he's marrying me instead so get your hat out. I don't know how i get myself into these things - i'll fill you in on the details in an email and i get the pics tomorrow so i'll send you them (bit worried about getting my pics developed, not sure whats on there but if they're rude i'll be sure to send them to you Craig). So jealous of Aus, i was in an Australian bar last night and i was pretending i was there. Not quite the same i know. Where are the pics that were taken on this bender then? Glad your meeting other travellers - that's what it's all about innit. Not a holiday without some randoms mixed in there. Love you both
Kev(Your Sexy Rugby Playing Athlete!!!
hello there-sorry i havnt wrote on here for so long- It feels like you have been gone for ages!! bin nice actually!! lol!!! only jokin!!! told tina mel needed a beta drivin instructor if she crashed in your drive!! hahaha!!!! WOMEN DRIVERS!!!
tiz now officially the time to wear shorts and flip flops @ work!! and yes i have been wearin shorts and flipflops all year!! now gettin away wit it at work!!!! yay!! hope your having fun!!!
btw my eye is getting beta! now stiches now! just a lovely scar!!!
love kev x x x
Jade(Your Prettiest And Most Favourite Sister)
hello there-sorry i havnt wrote on here for so long-im a busy little girl at the moment-that and the fact that i can never be bothered to set the computor up! but that doesnt mean that i dont miss you-(yes and you sam!) ha ha! your photos look great-gradually getting tanned! It feels like you have been gone for ages!-but dont rush back too soon as i am still enjoy favouritism by the rents-its great! Well all the usual-take care n god bless-watch eachothers backs n all that but most of all enjoy yourselves. lots of love too you both love jade x x x
Sophie (Sister)
Hey, hope you guys are having fun, the photo's look great, you both look really brown. My room is almost done, just the carpet til its finished. Umm got my wedding outfit for |Amy and Matts wedding my dress is lush and i got some heels to go with it. Well glad your having a blast i will leave you a comment some time soon. Give Craig my love, keep on having fun oo yeh remeber MIss Thomas my tutor well shes going to thailand travelling, i told her you are travelling and she said wow. Anyway must be off Jade's getting very impatient.
Love You
Nanny Grace
Hi Sam & Craig, we are visiting Mum & Dad, Sophie & Jade and we have brought along Uncle Jerry, Aunty Sylvia & Aunty Bett. Uncle Jerry & Aunty Sylvia are over here from California and they have just been looking at your mesages & photos. Samanthat Hi I wish you was here with us so I could give you a big hug & kiss - so hope to see you next time we are over here lots of love Aunty Sylvia.xx
Aunty Diane
Glad the sun came out for you. Last week end I went to the Belfry for a pampered week end with Lorraine (Ringo''s wife) 10 of us went and fun was had by all.
Lukes beat up jeep died and was taken away by another off road mad man, very pleased with his purchase. Luke replaced this by an other beat up jeep!!
Zoe has her leavers day at school on wednesday, been colouring her hair today and practicing curls, hair up etc. Doesn't seem 2 minutes ago it was yours.
Grampy Tony retired from work yesterday and we have a surprise do that his work is putting on for him. Except some pleb let it slip in work so he knows somethings up.
Uncle Kev went to Weston super mare on the piss last night with work and is like a dead thing. HE JUST WON'T LEARN!!
anyway you both take care and can not wait to hear about Aus, look after eachother xxx
Mummy Stevens
Well Hello you two. I have some funny news. Well I didn't think it was very funny, but everyone else did. Let me start with the chain of events. Yesterday (Wednesday) my car went in for repair. On Thursday morning a replacemant car arrived (nasty little 1.2 corsa). Off the men went and left this beast on the drive. After driving down the road I realised that the right hand door mirror would not stay in place and all I could see was the floor. I promptly phoned them and they were to return with another later that day. However, had to get it from Exeter so never arrived until this morning. OK, so car parked on drive after arriving at 8am (where Sammy used to park hers). 8.20 am Melissa leaves for college. Thinking she had gone the door flies open only for her to tell me that she had reversed into it. Oh my god, it had only been there 20 minutes. However, one scratch, one small dent hoped I could T-cut out the evidence. Drove up the road to hear horrible noise from wheel. Promptly came back to find more damage than first thought. The panel behind the wheel had been buckled. Had to get dad home from work and grampy john who had to remove the wheel and panel and bash it back into shape. All now as good as new - well nearly. Have bought Melissa some eyes for the back of her head. To make matters worse the car that has been hit smells like it has a dead fish in it. Also having problems with Melissa's car think its brakes but good old Chris will have a look at that one tomorrow. Well that has been the extent of my last two days. Hope your time in Singapore was better. Lots of Love from all of us. xxxx P.S. Craig, tried Halifax tonight but they were closed so will try again in the morning.