Hi every one it's Friday morning, normal blog reading time and I was pleased to see something on here. I can not believe five months has gone so fast. We have all been following your adventures in awe.
I have to say if we could keep the blog going so we all know whats happening in norton & I have something to do on Friday mornings(joke). Thanks again for letting me share this with you and you'll now be winging your way back to Heathrow, depressed no doubt. See you soon xxx
So this is it then.
Well done to everyone, i think we gave Sam & Craig a taste of home away from home with our messages.
Can't wait to see you guys, missed you so much. Sam i bet your roots are awful, you've got dreadlocks & you have really hairy arm pits but i'll be glad to see you anyway
And one more thing:
I think we can conclude that yes the Aero guy really is the sexiest man on earth (apart from Glyn, Paul, Ringo & everyone else's bloke on here of course)
Love you x
Well Well,
The end of an era one mite say, but everyone is so excited about your return friday, You've got stories to share and tales to be told, memories to share until your grey and old, from NZ to LA come rain or come shine, Your journey is at an end, Like primary school it's now home time, So yeah Friday i just can't wait, I'll see ya then - signing off it's Toby D DO DIZZLE your best mate!!!
Woop Woop, RAH RAH I can't wait to see you both and hear bout all the fit girls and LA and everything else you did it's so cool, but just wanted to say well done for seeing it out and wishing you a safe journey home, see ya soon.
Toby-Do x x x
Mummy (Mandy)
Hello to everyone out there!!
This is Mummy Mandy signing off, huge thanks to Craig & Sam for their blogs, photos etc. You have let us share your travels with you and made us all so envious!!
It has gone so quick since that teary day in April, hope Glyn's got the kleenex ready for Friday.
Huge thanks to everyone who have added their personal messages (not so personal in that we can all read them!) some of the content has certainly been entertaining!! hope Kev's & Ringo's little problems soon sort themselves out.
I will miss logging on at lunch time - have to check out the porn site's instead - but can't wait to see you both on Friday.
Till the next time....
Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aunty Diane
Oh my god Looked at photo's after reading your blog. Fiji looks amazing. Stay there you'll only be depressed once home. It is bad enough after just going to Spain, and apparently the weathers good now xx
Aunty Diane
Well can not complain now, I had a lot to look at and read. Kev & I had a fab holiday and Lindsey with Kev's tan I don't need to look at telly ads of men, I think i have my own greek god!!!!! Zoe ended up coming to spain for 6 days then flying home alone and heading to france with the school and loads of mates. She's back today and nackered.
Luke enjoyed our holiday and being home alone or not!!
Any way take care and may see you saturday at the BIG GIG Kev's organising. 6 local bands playing plus lots of entertainment bar food etc but I expect you'll be too jet lagged so catch you asap. Love and kisses xxxx
Nannie Edna And Grampy John
Hi you two. This has to be the last blog message from nannie before you start your journey home. Mummy Mandy is right be prepared to be kissed and hugged all over. Daddy Glyn will probably cry when he sees you again, but it won't last long. Can't wait to see you both. Thank you for all the photos and messages that have taken you around the world, its been fantastic to follow. Trifle will be ready for when you get home. Enjoy L.A. Safe trip home. Love you both loads. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mummy (Mandy)
Hi you two,
So excited now Sam - 4 more days!! went to see Nans yesterday, have invited them for tea on Sunday so make sure you havve no plans - they cant wait to see you so be prepared for lots of cheek pinching/spit washes.Aunty Julie is coming out too. Me n Dad chickened out of the Mardi Gras as it started raining - sounds like we didn't miss much. Anyway hope both have a great time in L.A, do a bit of star spotting.
Love you loads. Mumxxxxxxxx
Woop Woop,
Not long now. Everyone is so EXCITED!! Craig good news Arsenal have won the Emirates Cup. Bad news the Mardi Gras was a wash out and was the worst ever, i had the full works on to try a find myself a 'SEXY TIME' but it pissed down and it was like a youth club down there so i ended up going home alone - PANTS. Well i hope you both enjoy L.A. and say hello to Mr. Beckham for me, and just enjoy all the time you have left and i hope to see you both soon, Oh and the pics you got posted from Fiji and The Cook Islands are amazing. Love Toby Dot Doo Dizzle x x x
Mummy Tina
Well, no wonder you don't want to come home. Fiji and cook islands looked wonderful. Now to L.A. - it is hot there too they said on the tele. Enjoy the last remaining few days. Madis gras was a wash out. It stayed dry until about 7pm and there were no where near the amount of people around as last year. Everyone asked about you both , how you were doing etc. Anyway, we did have a good time. Had lots of rides on the twister which was very funny and much faster than last year. Take care and see you very soon. Mumxxxxxxxxx
Mummy Tina
Hi you two. It was good to hear from you yesterday, even though quickly. Glad to hear you are both enjoying the Cook Islands. Make the most of the weather, I can't tell you how horrible this summer is here. Hopefully things will change when you come home. It is the Mardis gras this weekend in wonderful old Norton. Looks like it may be a wash out if the weather doesn't improve. Looking forward to you arrival home, but not looking forward to making sandwiches again Craig, should you find a job. We could all do with seeing some photos of Fiji and the Cook Islands - just to make us even more jealous. Take care on your last leg - try not to loose anything. Lots of lovexxxxxxxx
God damn it, i can't believe i missed the rugby players! You'd better have photos.
Glad your enjoying it more now and the weathers nice. Craig i hope you're feeling better. I'm not suprised you don't want to come home. We are having the worst summer here ever - although it has been nice today. I sold my car a couple of weeks ago so sorry Sam but we're walkin everywhere now on - rain or shine. But emma's still driving so we can scab lifts off her lol.
Not much has been happening here. I went into Bath at the weekend with Jess & Max. Max has just come back from travelling & he loved Fiji too. He says you have to go stay on this island where they've got a hostel & it's just 1 room with every backpacker in it - that's where the partys happen! I had a quality night out except when i walked to meet jess & I'd walked up through town with my dress tucked in my pants. A dirty old man stopped his car to let me know & then thanked me for the flash - said i'd made his day!
Can't wait to see you guys. I'm due to go Weymouth the weekend you get back but not without seeing you first. lots love xxxx