Improve your credit score, laerly? This is something not encouraged by Dave Ramsey because the FICO score is not something you should worship. it does not mean you are winning financially. A good credit score simply means you love to borrow money that isn't yours! The borrower is slave to the lender. Pay off your debt, save for purchases, retire with dignity, Dave Ramsey will show you how!!!!!
Hi Adam,Not long till you come back! I am gonna be going to France with my school in a few weeks.I was wondering do you go on MSN or Windows Live messenger?
Es N Guy
hello little nef pigs are playing at kings arms sat 16th are u up for it honey will get all out. ads your not want to come to our house for beer its like a bloody farm yard as your soon see look forward to seeing ya soon xxxx big kiss X ES
Wow, you're gonna be back soon- it has gone so quickly (no offense!!) Just to let you know I am mobileless as I broke my phone yesterday... Doh! So text Rich to sort out coming out on the 15th! xx
to be honest, at the end of the day, i was gonna say, basically, i love you.
You have spelt my name wrong!
Hello Connor, Billy's bike accident does sound quite funny. I have indeed been having fun but it is almost all over and I will be back home. Surely listening to your dad snore at night must be pretty funny? See you soon.
Hi Guy and Es, I knew you would be impressed by all my antics. I have got some brilliant videos for you to watch when I get back of all 3 of my bungy jumps and the skydive. I have a few photos as well! See you in a few weeks for a beer. xxxxx
Hi Nick, I thought my driving was alright, ha! I have just arrived in Sydney so should have some more good photos soon. You can sit through the slide show of all my photos when I get homw aswell if you have a spare fortnight (no joke, I have quite a few photos!). I fly home 2 weeks today so see you soon. Good to hear from you.
Hows it going Adam, It sounds like you have been having fun! It has been quiet and boring around Batheaston accept for when Billy fell of his bike and ripped a bit of his saddle and wished that he was riding Ebony's bike at the time he crashed. Hope you are having a good time. Cya in a few weeks.
Nick Coz
sorry about the double "d" in adam still got a shaky hand from your driving lessons.
Nick Coz
hello addam, good to see you still going strong.I loved looking at your photos keep them coming,be good see you soon.