Where to start on my experiences in Melbourne? Though I did far less travelling and activities than in China the time was no less significant to me, in fact you could say it changed my life. I’d set out to Australia to see what it was like to live in Melbourne, something I’ve thought about since I was last over there in 2001. The idea was that I’d get it out of my system, find it wasn’t all that different or more exciting than Britain and head home happy to settle down back in Blighty. Well it’s turned out rather differently.
The first happening was finding two great housemates who took me in, happily introduced me to their friends and family and set me on my path to falling in love with Melbourne. Katie and Fleur have both become close friends and I hope to put them both up wherever I may be living back in Britain when they visit over the next couple of years. I cynically stole all of Katie’s friends and now consider them my own, though I’m willing to share as she’s so damn nice. Fleur’s family gave me a wonderful Christmas and helped avoid homesickness at a difficult time of year for a traveller. Both, at various times, were willing sounding boards when I was wrestling with difficult questions.
The second happening was that I got time to think about what I was doing with my life and which direction I want to head in for the future. Away from the hustle and bustle of Britain I made some huge decisions about my personal life and career and have to thank my new friends in Australia for being so willing to chat with me about them despite only having known me for about 5 minutes! As a result the biggest relationship of my life so far has ended and I’ve decided to go back to Uni to study as a nurse. I know I’ve hurt someone terribly in the process so I don’t want to dwell on it too much but I believe it’s all been done for the right reasons and I hope everyone can understand that.
So, back to Melbourne. The highlights have been numerous. I’ve been camping in genuine bush, washing in a river and having to survive on the food and water we’d taken with us. I’ve been to a crazy number of sporting events including cricket, tennis, formula 1, Aussie rules and ‘soccer’ as the Australians insisted on calling it. I’ve played ‘Oztag’ rugby and netball with mixed teams and footie with backpackers from all over the globe. I’ve been to the beach when it’s 46 degrees, watched an outdoor film festival and had a barbeque in the park until after the sun’s gone in. I’ve watched films and tv shows to expand my Aussie education and been educated in the beauty of old movies and now understand the phrase ‘they don‘t make them like they used to‘. I’ve also made an incredible group of friends and met someone who has become very special to me, I don’t know what the future has in store but I know I’ve got my fingers crossed! All in all my time in Australia has been tremendously rewarding, and part of my plan for the future is to get back there as soon as I‘m qualified and allowed in.
While there I did some interesting jobs, selling EFTPOS machines to businesses door to door, selling places on an education course over the phone and in the end a couple of months volunteering at a homeless shelter in the kitchen where I ended up making spag bol for 210 people! Hopefully I'll be more gainfully employed when I return!
Thank you to all the beautiful people I can now call close friends and who contributed to one of the best 6 months of my life. For those back at home reading this I’ll have plenty of time to bore you rigid with photos and stories upon my return!
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