Adam's on the road again
About Adam
Just a little note to let people know I'm off travelling again. This time I'm heading to Eastern Europe, first stop Tallinn. I'll try and keep the blog up, last time I gave up in New Zealand but I'm determined to keep it up for the whole trip this time! Hope you enjoy reading along x
Hi all, welcome to my blog. I can definitely feel I'm getting a bit older as having a blog feels a little like I'm trying to do what all the cool kids are doing nowadays. Anyway, hope you enjoy it, I'm attempting to get a mix of letting you know some useful tourist info about the places I'm visiting, some stories of the experiences I'm having and the odd amusing anecdote. Please keep in touch/give me some feedback/send abuse to either my facebook or hotmail.
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New blog entry posted
Manchester, UK
Just a little note to let people know I'm off travelling again. This time I'm heading to Eastern Europe, first stop Tallinn. I'll try and keep the blog up, last time I gave up in New Zealand b…
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New album created
Fox Glacier, New Zealand

New album created
The Very South, New Zealand

New blog entry posted
Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand
I was up at 8 to put on as many layers as I could find, eat a hearty breakfast and walk the 5 minutes to the glacier hiking centre to meet my guide. I met my companions for the day, Hans and M…
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Adam has not added a travel plan yet
Graeme have a good one big man!