Hi coopertrooper blog readers, its been a little while since we wrote, life in Auckland and working doesn't make for the best of blog stories. Here is a summary of the headlines:
The surprise news from Paul and Laura about their engagement, the day after we get back from Queenstown, was then quickly followed by Caroline and Rob back in Canterbury who said 'yes' and then the following week we hear Chris & Lucy are also getting married on the day we fly back to the UK for Christmas.
We have moved bedrooms in our shared house. Icko, the German student moved back home and had to leave 30KG of luggage he couldn't carry on the plane. It was hilarious after he left, the moment the front door closed behind him and we waved goodbye, ten housemates mauled their way past each other into his old room and started helping themselves to all the old stuff he couldn't carry! We claimed; his bedroom, 12 packets of boil in the bag rice, a backgammon set, and some carpet cleaner!
I have finished my contract with my old job and have started looking for new work. Had three interviews this week.
Kat has been busy with a school play, Aladin, she was asked to be the flying carpet! I have no interest in a school play, all dodgy acting, mumbling and long silences. But when I heard about Kat's part, that night I was outside the thearte clutching my ticket and camera, hahaa.
Can't beleive in ten days we will be back in the UK. This blog was started in september 2006 and with 2008 just around the corner, will we ever get home? Where is home anyway? Can't wait to get back for Christmas, it will be great to see family and friends.
Had a very enjoyable evening last night. One of the directors on the board at Kat's school invited us over to their home for a Honika meal. They had a really cool house over-looking the Auckland marina, while the chef cooked us a meal and the nanny played with the children, we sat around and learnt about the Jewish traditions of Honika. First time we had been to someone's house where they have a chef and a nanny running around doing all the work.
Cooper Out
Love Dan & Kat
The surprise news from Paul and Laura about their engagement, the day after we get back from Queenstown, was then quickly followed by Caroline and Rob back in Canterbury who said 'yes' and then the following week we hear Chris & Lucy are also getting married on the day we fly back to the UK for Christmas.
We have moved bedrooms in our shared house. Icko, the German student moved back home and had to leave 30KG of luggage he couldn't carry on the plane. It was hilarious after he left, the moment the front door closed behind him and we waved goodbye, ten housemates mauled their way past each other into his old room and started helping themselves to all the old stuff he couldn't carry! We claimed; his bedroom, 12 packets of boil in the bag rice, a backgammon set, and some carpet cleaner!
I have finished my contract with my old job and have started looking for new work. Had three interviews this week.
Kat has been busy with a school play, Aladin, she was asked to be the flying carpet! I have no interest in a school play, all dodgy acting, mumbling and long silences. But when I heard about Kat's part, that night I was outside the thearte clutching my ticket and camera, hahaa.
Can't beleive in ten days we will be back in the UK. This blog was started in september 2006 and with 2008 just around the corner, will we ever get home? Where is home anyway? Can't wait to get back for Christmas, it will be great to see family and friends.
Had a very enjoyable evening last night. One of the directors on the board at Kat's school invited us over to their home for a Honika meal. They had a really cool house over-looking the Auckland marina, while the chef cooked us a meal and the nanny played with the children, we sat around and learnt about the Jewish traditions of Honika. First time we had been to someone's house where they have a chef and a nanny running around doing all the work.
Cooper Out
Love Dan & Kat
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