Well here we are after leaving England in July and following the summer around the world, we land in Vancouver 2 days before the start of the Winter Olympics. We walked off our plane in our boardies and tank tops hoping to expand that summer feeling a little longer. It was only a little cold, but it was something we have to get use to it quickly as the only clothing we have is what's in our sacks.
We had a fantastic journey and although we are both excited to be in Vancouver it is a little sad to know that it's over. No more living out of a backpack, wearing the same clothes over and over again, no more moving from place to place every few days, or waking up in the morning and just going out to do whatever takes your fancy. Nope it's back to staying in one place, having your own space and living a normal day to day life.
The memories will always be revisited, we had so many great experiences together. Looking back we really have only scratched the surface on what the world has to offer, as there is still so much out there to see and do. But saying that we are happy that we were able to do all that we did, we know we are lucky and will always treasure every moment. We learned so much about other people's cultures and how other countries live. We got to speak with plenty of locals and really to understand how different it was to grow up in the "western world". Are we luckier? Yes in the idea that we are able to have free education, free to do whatever we want to do with our lives, and free to travel and explore the world. Yes things are harder and not near as accessible, which creates struggle within society. But we still don't feel that the people we met were unhappy. Kids are out playing and having fun, parents and grandparents work hard to support their family and enjoy the time they share together, they care and love for each other and make the absolute best of the lives they are given. Many were excited to be able to talk to us and learn more about where we come from, that was always good conversation. Mostly I think people who knew english just wanted to practice it, but that was fine with us. Our time in richer country's allowed us to do different types of things, but that was just as rewarding. It is harder to put into words these experiences, they contained more adventure and things that we wouldn't normally have had the chance to do. They were a little more social and gave us the opportunity to meet other travellers from all over the world.
We learned plenty along the way. Not only about other cultures and the world around us, but about each other too. We were able to push ourselves physically when we were trekking, we learned to surf, we were able to explore the world beneath the ocean surface by snorkeling/scuba diving, and so much more.
People always have questions so we figured we'd answer a few right now.
- Best place you've been? Nepal, no question. What a amazing country, would go back in a heart beat.
- Where would you stay/live longer? New Zealand. Really wish we had more time there, really is our type of place.
- Best food? Can't answer that, our mind changes every time we start to think about it. We just love food too much!
- Did you ever get ill? Yes. Once in India, once in Cambodia and had to go to hospital for an ear infection in Australia
- What was the best activity you did? really all of Australia. Surfing, Sailing and Scuba Diving, all great fun.
- Best accessory? Gorilla pod and portable memory card reader
- Most thankful to have? Smaller rucksacks, much easier to get around with. If you can't lift it above your head, you have too much stuff.
- Most relaxing place? Fiji on Lost Island, we did nothing but read, swim, and lay in the sun.
- Hardest thing about travelling? Wanting to buy so many things
- Best thing about travelling? Saying goodbye to phones, computers and all other forms of communication and just experience everything around us together.
- Did you lose anything? Yep...left our camera in a boat in Nepal, and a clothes line at a tea house somewhere in the Himalayas. But some things have a funny way of returning to you. Found 2 clothes line in Oz. (bought 1 camera)
- Best conversation? Trying to convince a kid in Cambodia that I wanted darker skin.
- Most common thing Del was asked? Hair cut/shave sir?
- Craziest moment? Our bus trip from Laos to Vietnam
- Roughest sleep? Del travelling on a night bus in beds made for people who are shorter than 5'8''
- Biggest rip off? being Canadian whenever going through borders, we always have to pay way more for a visa. What's with that?
- Hardest language barrier? believe it or not in Greece. Directions in english but street names written in greek letters. What should have taken 5min took an hour.
We can't say enough about all the times we had, and I'm sure we'll continue to share stories of them for the rest of our lives. Travelling allows you to experience so much outside of your comfort zone and see the world in a new light. It was fantastic to see so many different aspects of life, culture and adventure as we made our way around the world. We are forever grateful for this opportunity and the support of our family throughout our journey.
For now we may be poor, have no jobs, and living with my parents, but you know what? We'd do it all over again without a second thought...
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