May 18 - We arrived in Moscow today, and took off for our tour of the Kremlin. Very impressive, lots of security gates and inspections, no photos allowed due to many reasons however the main one Tanya told us was because they sell photos, books, etc. and can make more money from tourists this way.
After the Kremlin tour we arrive at the hotel, had a brief tour of the area, and decided to go to a Czech Restaurant for dinner so we chose the Pilsner. After walking down the street, under the street to cross under the busy road, talking to non- speaking Russians trying to locate it, we finally noticed the glass etching on a very high window that said Pilsner, so off to our next cultural adventure.
We were seated in a non-smoking section way in the back in a secluded room that had two other tables filled. One with a very cuddly couple and another with young men sharing appetizers. Thankfully we were given English menus and found our the beers were only $3 as compared to the $8 in the hotel. We ordered bread, many types of sausages, including blood and liver sausage, and pork in garlic sauce with sauerkraut and dumplings from our non- English speaking waiter. The beer and food arrived all of which was EXCELLENT. While we were eating the table next to us filled with young men having a good time. One of the things they ordered was a stein of beer with a side car vodka shot and pickled pear on top. We asked, through gestures, to take a photo which they agreed to and low and behold the next thing we knew, they had ordered us a round. We thanked them, I gave them an assortment of Iowa pins, the one they found the most assuming was the I Love Pork one with a pig, and then a female friend of theirs arrived and she spoke English. So translation began. We asked to take their photo, but couldn't because one of them worked for the government and it wasn't allowed. Found out they were soccer player in their late 20's. The English speaking friend had been to the US when she was eight on the Chernobyl exchange program after the power plant meltdown and she welcomed the chance to practice her English. This was a great way to start our visit in Moscow.
- comments
Kyle V How was the drink?
Connie Excellent, a GREAT one time experience