Its amazing how they got that action photo of me! I bet you are all impressed. Just one lesson!
Anyway, hello everybody!
Sorry for not updating in a while but I promise we are all happy, healthy and beautiful people. If you have not already guessed, this is Phill! We have a lot of blogging to catch up on so lets get started. I am going to start with Surfers Paradise because I promised Cat she could write the blog for Sydney.
Surfers Paradise was absolute paradise for a surfer, but as we are not surfers...lets just say it had its ups and downs. Many of you may already be aware that we had problems with our first hostel in Surfers. This is because the place was an absolute dive (fear not they have been reported to the health board of Australia)! We arrived at our destination full of excitement at the thought of finally reaching Paradise but we were sadly let down. Ironically, I joked to Teri as we approached the hostel that the run-down building next door was our hostel, I then learned that in actual fact our real hostel was not much better. I suppose that is karma for you!
The first night we went out and good drink but soon enough we gave in to sleep, which was fine apart from my snoring and the heat! Jim was not impressed.
We booked ourselves a surfing lesson the day after which was brilliant! We were taught by Scotty and some other guy clinging on to his twenties, and soon enough we were up on our feet! We even have the photos to prove it! THEN THE NIGHT CAME...
We woke up thinking that Cat had a rash from the surfing...oh how wrong we were! After a trip to the pharmacist it was confirmed that Cat had been bitten by bedbugs! Shocking I know! The annoying lady at the front desk then tried to argue that in her zero years of medical practice it was not bedbugs. We then told someone else in the hostel who replied "dont worry I know where they live." That says it all about the hostel really.
The following 2 days were an absolute hoot in a lovely hostel with a beautiful view and basically saved our Surfers experience.
Thats all folks because I have run out of time.
Love to all
Phill Cat Teri and Jim
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